SB 24, Hearing 9:00 AM: Title: relative to conferring degree-granting authority to the New England Aeronautical Institute., link:; Lists: NEA-NH 2023 Bills SB 25, Hearing 9:30 AM: Title: repealing a requirement for a report on chartered public school payments., link:; Lists: NEA-NH 2023 Bills SB 39, Hearing 9:15 AM: Title: relative to criminal history checks for […]
HB 101, Hearing 1:00 PM: Title: relative to requiring voters declare a party affiliation prior to a state primary election., link: Hearing
HB 71, Hearing 10:00 AM: Title: repealing a department of education report on chartered public school funding., link: HB 102, Hearing 10:40 AM: Title: requiring high schools to include instruction on the nature and history of communism., link: HB 103, Hearing 11:25 AM: Title: relative to school board member qualifications., link: HB 147, Hearing 10:20 […]
HB 65, Hearing 10:45 AM: Title: commemorating the first labor strike in the United States by women., link: Hearing
HB 61, Hearing 9:30 AM: Title: relative to teaching on discrimination in the public schools and discrimination in public workplaces., link: Hearing
HB 30, Hearing 10:00 AM: Title: allowing a county to exempt its chief administrative officer from compulsory participation in the retirement system., link: Hearing
HB 35, Hearing 2:00 PM: Title: requiring student identification cards to include the National Eating Disorders Hotline., link: HB 131, Hearing 1:00 PM: Title: requiring reports concerning school policies on classroom recordings and in-classroom observers., link: Hearing
HB 108, Hearing 11:00 AM: Title: relative to the confidentiality of reports made to the division of children, youth, and families and requiring guardians ad litem be appointed in certain instances., link:; Lists: DOE/Certification/Qualifications, NEA-NH 2023 Bills, Priority 3 Hearing
HB 101, Executive Session 3:30 PM: Title: relative to requiring voters declare a party affiliation prior to a state primary election., link:; Lists: Elections and Boards, Monitor Only, NEA-NH 2023 Bills Executive Session
NEA-New Hampshire, with co-sponsor Manchester EA, invites new and aspiring teachers to join us for a professional learning conference in person. We have prepared workshops to help you to do your best work, handle the work-life balance, and understand the unique students in your classroom. This conference is geared toward the needs of educators who […]
HB 256, Hearing 3:30 PM: Title: prohibiting cities and towns from discriminating in the use of public facilities., link:; Lists: NEA-NH 2023 Bills, Priority 2 Hearing
SB 57, Hearing 10:00 AM: Title: relative to the reduction in the calculation of state retirement annuities at age 65., link: Senate Standing Committee
HB 364, Hearing 10:50 AM: Title: relative to transportation for students attending career and technical education centers., link:; Lists: DOE/Certification/Qualifications, NEA-NH 2023 Bills, Priority 2 HB 419, Hearing 9:30 AM: Title: relative to the math learning communities program of the community college system and making an appropriation therefor., link:; Lists: DOE/Certification/Qualifications, NEA-NH 2023 Bills, Priority […]
HB 123, Hearing 3:15 PM: Title: relative to governing body members of the budget committee., link: HB 295, Hearing 2:00 PM: Title: relative to requiring all selectboard and school board meetings to be recorded and broadcast live online., link: Hearing
HB 254, Hearing 11:00 AM: Title: relative to remote participation in public meetings under the right to know law., link: HB 289, Hearing 11:30 AM: Title: relative to consultation with legal counsel under the right to know law., link: HB 314, Hearing 10:00 AM: Title: relative to the expectation of privacy in the collection and use […]
HB 314, Hearing 10:00 AM: Title: relative to the expectation of privacy in the collection and use of personal information., link:; Lists: NEA-NH 2023 Bills HB 254, Hearing 11:00 AM: Title: relative to remote participation in public meetings under the right to know law., link:; Lists: Elections and Boards, NEA-NH 2023 Bills, Priority 3 HB […]
HB 365, Hearing 11:30 AM: Title: relative to a statewide facility condition assessment for school buildings., link:; Lists: NEA-NH 2023 Bills, Priority 1, Student Health & Safety HB 367, Hearing 11:00 AM: Title: relative to eligibility of students in the education freedom account program., link:; Lists: Funding & Vouchers, NEA-NH 2023 Bills, Priority 1 HB […]
HB 291, Hearing 12:00 PM: Title: relative to false reports to certain departments., link:; Lists: NEA-NH 2023 Bills Hearing
HB 48, Hearing 1:00 PM: Title: relative to employee protections from COVID-19 in the workplace., link:; Lists: NEA-NH 2023 Bills, Priority 3, Student Health & Safety HB 57, Hearing 10:00 AM: Title: relative to the state minimum hourly rate., link:; Lists: Education Support Professionals, NEA-NH 2023 Bills, Priority 2 HB 58, Hearing 11:00 AM: Title: prohibiting […]
HB 302, Hearing 10:45 AM: Title: relative to including education in the United States Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the New Hampshire constitution for New Hampshire law enforcement., link: Hearing
SB 100, Hearing 9:30 AM: Title: relative to the payment of salaried employees., link: Senate Standing Committee
SB 77, Hearing 9:00 AM: Title: relative to changes in school placement for students., link: SB 109, Hearing 9:30 AM: Title: relative to school safety and coordination with law enforcement., link: Senate Standing Committee
HB 309, Hearing 3:15 PM: Title: relative to civil rights education in public elementary and secondary schools., link: HB 334, Hearing 12:45 PM: Title: relative to determination and cost of state adequate education., link: HB 430, Hearing 1:45 PM: Title: relative to applications for the education freedom accounts program., link: HB 437, Hearing 10:30 AM: […]
HB 324, Hearing 10:00 AM: Title: relative to campaign contributions and expenditures and making an appropriation therefor., link: HB 195, Hearing 1:00 PM: Title: relative to the definition of political advocacy organization., link: Hearing
HB 15, Hearing 10:00 AM: Title: relative to the rate of the business enterprise tax., link: HB 100, Hearing 2:00 PM: Title: to repeal the interest and dividends tax., link: Hearing
HB 272, Hearing 9:00 AM: Title: increasing chartered public school per pupil funding., link: HB 577, Hearing 11:15 AM: Title: relative to state aid for special education pupils., link: HB 578, Hearing 9:45 AM: Title: establishing the position of reporting administrator in the department of education., link: HB 601, Hearing 2:00 PM: Title: relative to state […]
HB 183, Hearing 9:00 AM: Title: relative to employment of retired firefighters at the fire academy., link: HB 193, Hearing 9:30 AM: Title: relative to administration of the New Hampshire retirement system., link: Hearing
HB 620, Hearing 1:30 PM: Title: establishing a department of early childhood education and relative to a pre-kindergarten pilot program., link: Hearing
HB 295, Executive Session 10:30 AM: Title: relative to requiring all selectboard and school board meetings to be recorded and broadcast live online., link: Executive Session
HB 560, Hearing 9:45 AM: Title: establishing a contact person notification program to assist law enforcement personnel who have contact with a person with mental or physical disabilities and making an appropriation therefor., link: Hearing
HB 362, Hearing 11:15 AM: Title: relative to complaint procedures in cases before the commission for human rights., link: HB 396, Hearing 4:00 PM: Title: relative to state recognition of biological sex., link: HB 533, Hearing 1:00 PM: Title: relative to public school human rights complaints., link: Hearing
HB 51, Hearing 10:40 AM: Title: relative to requiring towns and school districts use warrant articles for lobbying agents., link: HB 293, Hearing 2:00 PM: Title: allowing a town to appropriate funds to create a town scholarship fund., link: HB 312, Hearing 11:00 AM: Title: relative to petitions for warrant articles at a special meeting., link: […]
HB 250, Hearing 10:00 AM: Title: relative to the accidental death benefit payable to a group II member., link: HB 436, Hearing 1:00 PM: Title: relative to group II retirement under transition provisions in the retirement system., link: HB 449, Hearing 2:00 PM: Title: relative to the calculation of group II retirement benefits in the retirement […]
HB 50, Hearing 2:00 PM: Title: relative to payment by the state of a portion of retirement system contributions of political subdivision employers., link: HB 555, Hearing 3:00 PM: Title: appropriating state general fund surplus toward the retirement system unfunded accrued liability., link: Hearing
HB 501, Hearing 11:15 AM: Title: relative to ages for special education services., link: HB 572, Hearing 9:15 AM: Title: relative to eligibility for free school meals., link: HB 625, Hearing 10:00 AM: Title: relative to the calculation of average daily membership in attendance and average daily membership in residence for school districts., link: HB […]
HB 560, Executive Session 10:00 AM: Title: establishing a contact person notification program to assist law enforcement personnel who have contact with a person with mental or physical disabilities and making an appropriation therefor., link: Executive Session
HB 301, Hearing 1:00 PM: Title: relative to recusal by members of the general court for conflicts of interest., link: Hearing
HB 256, Executive Session 1:00 PM: Title: prohibiting cities and towns from discriminating in the use of public facilities., link: Executive Session
HB 521, Hearing 9:00 AM: Title: relative to the department of education payment for placement for an episode of treatment., link: Hearing
HB 103, Executive Session 9:45 AM: Title: relative to school board member qualifications., link: HB 309, Executive Session 9:45 AM: Title: relative to civil rights education in public elementary and secondary schools., link: HB 334, Executive Session 9:45 AM: Title: relative to determination and cost of state adequate education., link: HB 364, Executive Session 9:45 […]
HB 324, Hearing 10:00 AM: Title: relative to campaign contributions and expenditures and making an appropriation therefor., link: Hearing
HB 195, Executive Session 11:00 AM: Title: relative to the definition of political advocacy organization., link: HB 324, Executive Session 11:00 AM: Title: relative to campaign contributions and expenditures and making an appropriation therefor., link: Executive Session
SB 114, Hearing 1:55 PM: Title: relative to payment by the state of a portion of retirement system contributions of political subdivision employers., link: Senate Standing Committee