NEA-NH President Joins NH Citizens in Urging Governor to Sign Gun Violence Prevention Bills

In a packed LOB this afternoon, NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle joined elected officials, and activists in calling on Governor Sununu to sign the 3 gun violence prevention bills on his desk passed by the NH House and Senate earlier this year.

“We do not need to debate one day longer on why mass killings take place in America. We’ve seen enough people killed in schools, in houses of worship, in malls, at movie theaters and stores. We know killers commit these violent acts because they have mental health problems, or they are racist, or they don’t value human life,” said Tuttle.

In the wake of back-to-back shooting this weekend, “we don’t need to collect more data. We need to take action and we need to take it now. Governor Sununu is being handed a golden opportunity to replace thoughts and prayers with lifesaving action.”

“Only one person stands between these commonsense bills from becoming law. Only one person has the power to start saving lives of our friends, our families and our school aged children. That person is Governor Sununu. Either he signs these bills, or he doesn’t.”

“Governor Sununu either understands the problem with gun violence or he doesn’t. Governor Sununu either understands the Dayton Ohio shooter killed 9 people in half a minute or he doesn’t. Governor Sununu, please sign HB 564, HB 109 and HB 514 into law.”