NEA-NH Opposes Bill Giving Ed Commissioner Subpoena Power

NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle testified in opposition to the non-germane amendment to HB 533 that would grant subpoena power to the NH DOE in Code of Conduct cases.

“To begin with, we are not aware of any material that the DOE has asked for in the course of an official investigation under the Code of Conduct that they have not received so in asking for this added power it is important for them to concretely articulate why it is they need this new ability,” said Tuttle in her testimony.

“The legislature should be cautious on why agencies beyond law enforcement should hold such a power. If the Department at some point needs to issue a subpoena there is no reason they cannot go to the DOJ. The ability to have subpoena power this early in a process has us concerned that this tool would be used for fishing expeditions.”

Read her entire testimony here: