NEA-New Hampshire Welcomes Today’s Vote to Table HB 607

“Today’s vote to table HB 607 is a bi-partisan acknowledgement of the reality that the majority of Granite Staters believe we should be investing in our public schools, not defunding them to pay private, religious, and home school expenses,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President.  

If passed, HB 607 will drive MASSIVE property tax increases to pay private school tuition. The continued push by certain politicians to defund public schools with bills like HB 607 hurts our students’ chances to succeed now, and later in life. “The recently enacted voucher expansion was underestimated by 5000% and has resulted in millions of dollars in new spending. Today’s vote is a chance to pump the brakes before we pass that kind of bill to the local level as well,” said Tuttle.

“Teachers dig into their own pockets to ensure their students get the public education they deserve, while some New Hampshire lawmakers work persistently to underfund our public schools. Today’s vote provides some comfort to students, educators, and local taxpayers that their voices have been heard.”