“A Better New Hampshire is Possible” Rally at State House Tomorrow

CONCORD, NH – On Thursday, June 24th at 10 am, a grassroots coalition for a People’s Budget will gather at the State House in Concord to demand a better budget for New Hampshire. The rally will take place as the House and Senate hold concurrent sessions to vote on the final version of the state budget.

The rally will feature advocates on issues of racial justice, public education equity, disability justice, tax fairness, and the urgency of climate action.

WHAT: Coalition for a People’s Budget to Gather at the State House for “A Better New Hampshire is Possible” Rally

WHEN: Thursday, June 24th at 10:00 AM

WHERE: New Hampshire State House, 107 N Main St, Concord, NH 03303

The Coalition for a People’s Budget includes: NH Poor People’s Campaign, NH Voices of Faith, American Friends Service Committee, Granite State Organizing Project, Rights & Democracy NH, Granite State Progress, 350 New Hampshire, Kent Street Coalition, Unitarian Universalist Action NH, NH Council of Churches, NH Youth Movement, Change for Concord, NH Conference United Church of Christ Economic Justice Mission Group, Occupy Seacoast, Meriden Congregational Church (UCC), Planned Parenthood NH Action Fund, Raise Up NH, NH Peace Action, Occupy Seacoast, the Reproductive Freedom Fund of NH, National Education Association NH (NEA-NH), and many other organizations and individual activists.