NEA-NH: Budget Proposal Fails to Represent and Fund New Hampshire Values

CONCORD, June 17, 2021 – Today, the House and Senate conferees on HB 2 produced a budget proposal that contains numerous provisions that are opposed by the vast majority of the people of New Hampshire.

The conferees included an unaccountable private and religious school voucher program which would increase property taxes by attempting to fund 2 different education systems – one public and one private – and both on the taxpayer’s dime. Two polls conducted this year have shown the overwhelming majority of Granite Staters oppose such a program, and a record 5,000+ registered their opposition to the legislation at its sole public hearing in the senate. It is also estimated this will cost property taxpayers at least $69 million over the next 3 years.

On top of that, HB 2 also includes the so-called divisive concepts language that seeks to prevent discussions in workplaces and schools around racial and gender equity. This chilling legislation not only does not belong in the state budget, it also does not belong in a state that prides itself on free speech.

We urge the full bodies of the House and Senate to reject this budget proposal on June 24th and send conferees back to the table to achieve a bi-partisan budget that better supports the education of the students of New Hampshire.