NEA-NH Online Ads Target Tax Impact of Massive Voucher Expansion

CONCORD, NH – In light of the Senate’s passage of a budget bill that included the most sweeping school voucher program in the country, NEA-NH has launched an statewide online ad campaign to allow the voices of the state’s property taxpayers to be heard.

The voucher provision added to the budget has not received any analysis from the Legislative Budget Assistant and is essentially a blank check written by Senate Republicans to be paid by local property taxpayers of New Hampshire.

The NEA-NH campaign aims to raise awareness that this voucher expansion provision has the potential to increase property taxes by diverting taxpayer money for private, religious, and home school vouchers with absolutely zero accountability for those funds.

Conservative estimates on this proposed expansion indicate that it could cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars each year.

The NEA-NH campaign asks taxpayers to urge members of the House to reject this reckless provision.