What We’re Following in 2019

The Legislative season will soon be upon us, and NEA-NH has already reviewed the list of Legislative Service Requests (that’s what bills are called before they are officially submitted) from those likely to have an impact on our students, schools, and members. While LSR’s are only bill titles at this point, and its not possible with certainty to determine the impact of each new bill, we have identified more than 180 bills to keep an eye on this January.

We’ll be keeping track of bills relating to school funding, safety, educator credentials and rights, retirement, and the opiod crisis.  A few of the more interesting named bills we’ve identified include:

  • regulating possession of firearms in a school district.
  • establishing a committee to study the effect the opioid crisis and domestic violence has on New Hampshire children.
  • establishing a commission on mental health education programs.
  • requiring a civics examination as a high school requirement.
  • establishing state holidays for elections.
  • relative to the penalties for passing a school bus.
  • relative to the formula for determining funding for an adequate education.
  • relative to integrated pest management for school grounds.
  • relative to the renomination of teachers.
  • relative to notifying parents of bullying incidents
  • relative to school calendar days.

We’ll keep you posted with our Legislative Dashboard, Take Action Center, and regular Legislative Updates once the session starts in January.