NEA-NH Announces Recommendation of Molly Kelly for Governor

NEA-New Hampshire recommended Molly Kelly to be the next governor of New Hampshire in a press conference at Beaver Meadow School in Concord this week.

“Molly Kelly has always been a champion for public school education, and we enthusiastically endorse her to be our next governor,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH president. “Instead of pushing a school voucher program that would weaken public schools, we know Molly will work to strengthen public education, support teachers and ensure every child can earn a quality education.”

“It is an honor to earn the support of tens of thousands of public school teachers and educators,” said Kelly. “Public education is the core of our democracy. If a school voucher bill that takes money from public schools and gives it to private or religious schools were to ever reach my desk, I would veto it. New Hampshire’s teachers know that I will always stand with them to ensure the best for our children.”

Mike Macri, Special Education Teacher in Concord began the conference with these remarks:

I became an educator 32 years ago because I believe in the power of education to change a child’s life.

Education lets every child dream about all sorts of possible futures, and then helps make those futures possible.

For decades, there was little dispute in this country about the power or importance of a quality education from a neighborhood public school. Republicans and Democrats all knew that our education system was the foundation to our nation’s greatest achievements, and the key to our future successes.

I think most of us still feel that way. I know the parents of my students believe that their children will have better lives if they do well in school.

That is why it has been so disheartening to see people who do not believe in public education take hold of our State and Federal Departments of Education. I never thought I would see the day when the New Hampshire Commissioner of Education and the Secretary of Education for the United States both have no experience with public schools.

Over the past few years, we have seen a sustained assault on our public schools, most recently from a well-funded plan to install a voucher scheme in New Hampshire that would rob millions of dollars from public schools to pay for private school tuition.

We need leaders from New Hampshire who understand and appreciate the value of public education and the dedication of those who work in our schools.

I am proud of my profession, and I am proud to be part of an organization that today will give its support to a governor who will stand up to the attacks on our public schools and fight to make them better.

NEA-NH PResident Megan Tuttle then introduced Molly Kelly and announced NEA-NH’s recommendation with these comments:

The future of public education in New Hampshire is very much up for grabs in this election.

For the sake of our students and their parents, we need to be sure that the Governor’s office returns to the hands of a champion of public education and working families.

It is my great honor and privilege today to announce that NEA-New Hampshire, the state’s largest union, is recommending Molly Kelly for Governor, and is asking our 17,000 members and their families to support her during the primary campaign and on Election Day in November.

Molly shares our belief that great public schools are the foundation for strong communities and a vibrant New Hampshire economy.

She understands that every child needs a quality, well-equipped school right in their neighborhood where they can learn, be inspired, and thrive.

Molly knows well-resourced, neighborhood public schools make New Hampshire stronger by nurturing tomorrow’s inventors, thinkers, artists, and leaders.

She has been a steadfast supporter of education who understands our priorities.

We need her in the corner office in November so we can make public education a priority in this state once again. But first, she has to win the primary.

That is why I’ll be out every day between now and election day working hard to elect Molly Kelly, and I hope you will join me.

In addition to NEA-NH, Kelly has been endorsed by:

• U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen;
• U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan;
• Congresswoman Annie Kuster;
• 16 current and former state senators;
• Teamsters Local 633;
• EMILY’s List;
• House Minority Leader Steve Shurtleff; and
• Gun violence prevention activist Deb Howard.

Kelly is running for governor to build a New Hampshire that works for everyone. As a single mother raising three children, Kelly worked her way through Keene State College, managing the family dorms, waiting tables at a pizza place and delivering newspapers in rural New Hampshire so she could put food on the table. Kelly also worked her way through Franklin Pierce Law Center. Like so many, she did anything to provide for her family while making the most of opportunities to build a better life.