NEA-NH Elections

NEA-New Hampshire Election Information 

NEA-New Hampshire is led and run by its members. Our Executive Board is made up of members who are elected by members in their region. This year’s voting began March 8 at 12:01 a.m. and closed at 5:00 p.m. on March 22, 2024. Members of record as of January 15, 2024 were eligible to vote. (NEA-NH Bylaws state that student members, associate members, and staff are not eligible to vote.)  

If you have additional questions about the election process or procedure, please contact 

NEA-NH Election Results

*winners are in bold text

For President – 3-year Term

  • Megan Tuttle – 1134
  • Jake Goodwin – 515

For Vice President – 3-year Term 

  • Carolyn Leite – 857
  • Jocelyn Judge – 633

ESP – 2-year Term

  • Tyler Sullivan – 32
  • Jon Scott – 28
  • Tammy Preble – 53
  • Jennifer Simon – 80

Retired – 2-year Term

  • Tracy Bricchi – 192

Capital Region – 2-year Term

  • Matt Castagna – 85
  • Kim Bleier – 172

Eastern Region – 2-year Term

  • Mike Russo – 135

North Country Region – 1-year Term

  • Lincoln Robertson – 37

Seacoast Region – 2-year Term

  • Meredith Coffin – 182
  • Sarah Trahan – 172

South Central Region – 2-year Term

  • Crissy Ouellette – 80
  • Tara Haarlander – 87

Southern Region – 2-year Term

  • Evan Czyzowski – 201

Southern Region – 1-year Term

  • Larry Ballard – 205

Western Region – 2-year Term

  • Alicia Rydjeski – 61

Candidate Filing Information

Filing Deadline is January 16, 2024 

NEA-New Hampshire is led and run by its members. Our Executive Board is made up of members who are elected by members in their region. NEA-NH policies and budgets are proposed, amended, and adopted by our members. 

It’s no secret that public education in New Hampshire is under relentless attack. Are you ready to help lead the organization that is the biggest and loudest advocate for our schools, our students, and our members?  

The following offices are up for election in March 2024*: 

Region Term Length 
President (officer) 3 years (2024-2027) 
Vice President (officer) 3 years (2024-2027) 
Capital 2 years (2024-2026) 
North Country 1 year (2024-2025) 
Seacoast 2 years (2024-2026) 
Southern 2 years (2024-2026) 
Southern 1 year (2024-2025) 
Eastern 2 years (2024-2026) 
South-Central 2 years (2024-2026) 
Western 2 years (2024-2026) 
Retired 2 years (2024-2026) 
ESP 2 years (2024-2026) 

Filing Period Deadline:
The filing period to run for NEA-New Hampshire offices closes at 5:00 p.m. January 16, 2024. All candidates for office must file in writing for the office for which they wish to run. All that is needed is a simple statement of your intent to be a candidate and the office for which you are running. For example, “It is my intent to run for Executive Board member for the North Country Region.” Include your name and the local association in which you are a member. This statement needs to be sent to: 

The Elections Committee
c/o Rick Trombly, NEA–NH,
9 South Spring Street, Concord, NH 03301
or at 

*A list of declared candidates, updated on a rolling basis, can be found at the bottom of this website.

Important Election Deadlines: 

  • 1/16/24 by 5:00 pm: Candidate’s Intention to Run for Office due 
  • 1/16/24 by 5:00 pm: Candidate’s Statement and Photo for the Educator due 
  • 3/8/24: Voting Opens
  • 3/22/24 at 5:00 pm: Voting Closes  
  • Voting will take place between March 8 and 22, 2024. 

Important Information for Candidates:
Candidates are entitled to submit statements and photographs for the March issue of the Educator. These statements and photos must also be received by 5:00 p.m. on Jan. 16, 2024. In accordance with Board policy, the following procedures apply: 

  • Candidates for President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, and NEA Director shall have the opportunity to submit: (a) A statement of not more than 100 words supporting their candidacies and (b) A photograph to accompany the statement. 
  • Candidates for NEA–NH Executive Board membership shall have the opportunity to submit: (a) A statement of not more than 50 words supporting their candidacies and (b) A photograph to accompany the statement. 
  • Candidates for NEA RA Delegate shall have the opportunity to submit: (a) A statement of not more than 25 words supporting their candidacies and (b) A photograph to accompany the statement. 

Please Note:
In all instances, the Educator is not responsible for the quality of the reproduction of the photos. If sending a photo by e-mail, check with Sara Persechino, Editor, for specifications at Please send all material for the Educator to the Elections Committee, c/o Rick Trombly, NEA–NH, 9 South Spring Street, Concord, NH 03301, or 

Mailing Labels:
Upon written or email request of any candidate, NEA-NH will make mailing labels available for the purpose of their campaign. These mailing labels come directly from NEA-NH and are available at no charge to NEA-NH candidates running for any NEA-NH office. Mail requests for labels to Paula Gailing, NEA-New Hampshire, 9 South Spring Street, Concord, NH 03301, or send an email to 

Other Important Information: 

  • Candidate’s names will appear on the ballot as they appear on the Intention to Run. 
  • Candidate names will be printed on ballots in the order declarations of intent to run were received, by office.  
  • “In writing” means that the Elections Committee must physically receive such notification by letter or email by the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on January 16, 2024. 
  • Candidates can also purchase ad space in the Educator (digital and print editions). Ads are not subject to the word limits that apply to candidate statements. Candidates should contact Sara Persechino at for rate and placement information. 
  • Pursuant to NEA-NH policies, candidates are given time to address members at budget meetings. To obtain a list of dates and times of these meetings, please contact Rick Trombly at