Professional Development

Attend Learning Forward New Hampshire’s Annual Conference

Learning Forward New Hampshire (LFNH), in conjunction with CEEDAR ( Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform), is holding a professional learning conference targeting four important evidence-based practices (EBPs) and frameworks. The NH/CEEDAR partnership is working to ensure all students have equitable access to educators prepared to meet their individual needs. Learning Forward builds the capacity of educators to establish, lead and sustain highly effective professional learning This year’s annual conference, “The 6 Core Principles of Improvement” takes place FRIDAY, NOV. 17TH, 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at NHTI, Concord’s Community College, Grappone Hall, College Drive in Concord. Conference […]

2nd NH Summit on Digital Equity, November 3

There’s still time to register for the 2nd NH Summit on Digital Equity, held on Friday. November 3, from 8:25 a.m. to 2:45 pm at New England College. The National Collaborative for Digital Equity at New England College cordially invites you to join them for the nation’s second statewide summit on digital equity.  At the first summit last February, they helped nearly a dozen NH communities explore whether and how best to form school/community partnerships to close the digital divide at home for low income learners of all ages. Since then, great progress has been made: More than a dozen […]

How To Make Life as a First Year Teacher a Little Easier

Learn From Master Educators How to Thrive in the First Year and Beyond You’ve already prepped yourself for having a successful first quarter, but you still have a whole year left in the classroom! What can you do ensure the rest of your first school year is as successful as the first few months? How do you thrive in the first year and beyond? Join our webinar  for resources and advice for master educators on how to have a successful first year in the classroom. The webinar takes place on October 16 at 7 P.M. EST. Register today! Join our […]

NH DOE Professional Development Opportunities

The following list of Professional Development and Learning Opportunities has been provided by the New Hampshire Department of Education: CS4NH Summit K‐12 educators and allies, plan to join us for the second annual CS4NH summit that will bring together NH and national experts, K‐12 and higher education teams, business industry representatives, and policy drivers to share our common vision for K‐12 CS in NH. CS4NH is about expanding K12 access to Computer Science education. This event taking place Saturday, September 30, 2017, from 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at White Mountains Community College, Berlin, will include workshops for a variety […]

Changes in Paraeducator 1 Certification Process Have Many Asking Questions

The New Hampshire state Board of Education recently voted to adopt changes in the certification requirements for paraeducators “The Department of Education has really degraded Para 1 certification to the basic minimum required to be employed,” said Jill Owens, NEA-NH Executive Board member and Education Support Professional in Hampstead.  “When our paras first became certified after working to fill out the Competency form required under the old rule, they had a whole new view of their capabilities and worth.  It is hard to put into words, but their job became a career, complete with NH State certification.” Under the old […]

Community Coalition Fights to Save Local Schools

Keep Woodsville Open coalition using live-streaming and other tools to keep residents informed When the residents and educators in Haverhill learned there was a movement to convince officials and voters to send the town’s children to Vermont for school to avoid paying for needed repairs on their own schools, they went to work. Concerned citizens, along with current and former students, came together to discuss the funding needed for upgrades and updates at Woodsville Elementary School and Woodsville High School.  Out of these discussions, the Keep Woodsville Open (KWO) coalition was formed and currently includes local citizens, students, alumni, and […]