NH Public Education

NEA-NH Deeply Concerned About SB 272

As educators, we want all students to have the freedom to be themselves and pursue their dreams.  But today, in New Hampshire and across the country, we have politicians fueling divisions among parents and educators by pushing laws that erase our history, from Selma to Stonewall, and target and punish educators for doing their jobs. They want to limit what books students can read and exclude transgender kids from healthcare, school, and sports.  These politicians are exploiting lack of familiarity with LGBTQ+ students to distract us from their own failures to deliver for our families and communities. We think that […]

NEA-NH Statement on House Passage of HB 2

CONCORD, NH, April 6, 2023 – The New Hampshire House of Representatives passed their version of the budget today, HB 2, voting to approve a much-improved product from what the House Finance committee originally voted out. “The education funding formula approved today delivers more aid to some of the communities who need it most,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. “We are also pleased that school voucher expansion language was removed from HB 2, and that spending on the program was moderated in the agreement voted on today.” “We look forward to working with the Senate to ensure that the […]

Legislative Update: Budget, budget, budget

State Budget Heads to the House Floor – Tell Your Rep. Don’t Support a Budget that Attacks Public Education! The budget proposal being sponsored by House Republicans has a lot of problems in it for public education and will have a vote on the floor on Thursday April 6th. This budget contains a massive expansion of the school voucher program that will grow the program exponentially (we believe much more than the estimates that the Department of Education provided to the budget writers). The proposal goes far beyond what even the Governor suggested in his budget because several provisions have […]

House Version of So-Called “Parental Bill of Rights” Fails

Week’s Recap – March 25, 2023 In a marathon 2-Day Session HB 10, the first of the so-called “Parental Bill of Rights” went down in the House. We successfully defeated the committee amendment for HB 10 by 4 votes and then the motion to pass the original legislation by 6 votes (189-195). This was accomplished with 191 Democrats and 4 Republicans. The bill was then tabled by just 1 vote before a vote to kill the bill could be executed. So, that meant keeping our Republicans who voted against the bill from wavering and our Democratic attendance up for the […]

Legislative Update: Stop Unlimited Vouchers in NH

This week the House will have well over 100 bills up for a vote as they meet on Wednesday and Thursday this coming week in order to meet their deadlines to act on certain legislation. Important Action Items for this Week Stop Unlimited Vouchers (Including for Millionaires!) Two bills going to the floor this week with no recommendation would expand the school voucher program, exponentially diverting money away from public schools. ACTION REQUESTED: Contact your State Representative(s) and ask that they vote AGAINST HB 331 and HB 538 by going to our Legislative Action Page. Both programs would blow the […]

Media Grant Paves Way for Statewide Commercials to Air in March

Filming Involves Students, Parents, and Educators from Salem Early on a Saturday morning in late February, a professional production crew crew and all their equipment descended on Salem High School. Their goal was to obtain footage for NEA-NH’s upcoming media campaign to increase our visibility in the state. Starting with two simple scripts and working with David Halpin from the Salem School District Communications and IT department, we recruited more than 20 students, educators, and parents to appear in the commercials. After unpacking and setting up the lights, make-up, break room supplies, microphones, and numerous cameras in the CTE area […]