To All Our Members, Happy American Education Week

Dear NEA-NH Members,

Last year, at the start of American Education Week (AEW), I said that ‘unrelenting’ was the word that best described the situation we found ourselves in as New Hampshire public school educators. The angry pressure applied on our local elected officials by vocal and misinformed segments of our society, their continuous attacks on public education and those who provide it, and the bounty they placed on New Hampshire educators – were all unrelenting.

I reminded you that one thing I knew for certain was to never, ever underestimate a New Hampshire educator. We’re fierce, resourceful, and always rooting for our students to succeed. While others try to persuade using anger and fear, we’re driven by a passion to help our students become the success story that’s inside each of them.

I said that the unrelenting assault on public education needed to end, and that by joining together and speaking up at school board meetings and voting in local elections, we could make our schools places where every child belongs and thrives.

Along with other supporters of public education, a record number of current and former NEA-NH members ran for office this month to help secure the collective good and raise their voices to help every educator get the support they need to ensure our students’ success.

Together we conducted our own campaign for students and educators and in the process added ‘unrelenting’ to the list of qualities that make us who we are.

This election day confirmed what we always knew to be true: the majority of Americans want the same thing as we do – thriving communities with good jobs and strong public schools where all students have the resources and opportunities to grow into their full brilliance. Last week, parents and voters explicitly rejected extreme politicians who engaged in the politics of division, politicizing our classrooms, banning books, dragging their culture wars into our public schools, and pushing failed privatization schemes.

And now that this election is over, it’s time for all of our leaders to focus on providing our students with the resources and support they deserve, respecting and adequately compensating our nation’s heroic educators and public employees, and strengthening public education as the cornerstone of our democracy and our communities. This would be the most fitting way they could support American Education Week this year.

This week, November 13-19, marks the National Education Association’s 101st annual celebration of American Education Week.

This American Education Week, we are coming together as families, educators, and communities to pledge our support for excellence in public education for all students. For AEW 2022, to help ensure our newly elected leaders keep their promise to our students, NEA is asking everyone to sign and spread the word about our pledge for safe, just, and equitable schools. 

Great public schools transform the lives of students and their communities so we can create a more just and inclusive society. Together, we pledge to unite as one voice for our students, stand up for educator rights and safe working conditions, and work together to find solutions in our local schools, in our state, and across the country.

You know I never tire of telling people how proud I am of all our members and the dedication you show in the face of adversity. No matter what our Education Commissioner or other detractor says about us or the work we do, we know the truth.

We know there is nothing we wouldn’t do to be sure our students, our children, are safe, welcomed, and supported.

To all of the educators in New Hampshire this American Education Week, thank you. You inspire, you listen, you unlock potential. You nourish, heal and care for our children. You are appreciated more than you’ll ever know. Your dedication is unwavering and your efforts do not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

To all of our members, the most dedicated band of professionals I know, Happy American Education Week!

In solidarity,

Megan Tuttle
NEA-New Hampshire President