PRESS RELEASE: Joint Statement from Labor Leaders Following the Defeat of House Bill 238-FN, “Right-to-Work”

Concord – Today, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted 200-180 to Indefinitely Postpone House Bill 238-FN, this year’s version of the fraudulently-titled “Right-to-Work” bill.

In response to the House of Representatives Indefinite Postponement of HB 238-FN “Right-to-Work” labor leaders issued the following statements:

“For the fortieth consecutive time, so-called “Right-to-Work” is dead. Once again, today, a bipartisan coalition of legislators did their job, listened to their constituents, and voted to kill House Bill 238-FN, this year’s version of the fraudulently titled “Right-to-Work.” Every new legislature for the last 40 years has seen this attack on workers’ rights and every legislature, regardless of which party is in the majority, has rejected it.

I want to thank all of our brothers and sisters who showed up in force to voice their overwhelming opposition to House Bill 238-FN.  We also want to thank the common-sense legislators who voted to indefinitely postpone the bill on the House Floor. Our elected leaders have repeatedly defeated this piece of legislation because they have listened to their constituents. While out-of-state corporate special interest groups and D.C. lobbyists continue to enlist legislators to introduce identical bills, year in and year out, our elected representatives of both political parties have voted to defeat them. That is what happened today. That is what happened last year. It happened because the people of New Hampshire, and the members of the New Hampshire House of Representatives know what we know, that “Right-to-Work” is STILL wrong for New Hampshire.” Despite a 44 vote deficit during an ice and snow storm, 25 labor-supporting Republicans joined 175 Democrats to send “Right-to-Work” back to the legislative trash can.” said Glenn Brackett, New Hampshire AFL-CIO.

Deb Howes, President of AFT-New Hampshire, said: “We are grateful the New Hampshire House once again rejected a so-called right-to-work bill, recognizing it as the union-busting scam that it is. A bipartisan coalition of commonsense legislators stood with the overwhelming majority of Granite Staters to support workers’ rights. Membership in a labor union provides workers with what they need, including better wages and working conditions, lower risk of workplace injuries and deaths, and health insurance. Unions representing educators, for example, are able to negotiate decent wages and working conditions so that students have what they need to excel.”

Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-New Hampshire stated: “Time and time again this attack on workers’ rights has been rejected under Republican and Democratic controlled State Houses because lawmakers across the political spectrum understand it’s not about worker freedom – it is simply an attempt by certain monied interests to undermine unions. Anti-worker politicians want to weaken bargaining power, lower pay and benefits, and stifle our voices – but we won’t allow these politicians to take our state backward. Union members across New Hampshire thank legislators for their solidarity today and urge lawmakers to continue to stand strong for workers’ rights.”

Rich Gulla, President of SEIU Local 1984, stated: If New Hampshire truly wants to attract new businesses and grow its economy, we need to focus on pressing issues like middle-class housing shortages, high energy costs, and the need for more robust trade and vocational education programs. These areas will make our state more competitive—not outdated, ineffective, and focused on ideologically driven legislation like RTW, which only serves to line the pockets of special interests.

The path forward for New Hampshire is clear: support policies that invest in workers, strengthen unions and build a thriving middle class. That is how we’ll attract businesses and create an economy that works for everyone, and we applaud everyone who voted down this bad bill today.

David Spechulli, New Hampshire Building and Construction Trades Council President, added: “Today, our elected representatives listened to their constituents and voted to defeat “Right-to-Work.”. The New Hampshire Building and Construction Trades Council thanks the legislators who stood in solidarity with our membership and all New Hampshire working families. New Hampshire needs to attract workers and businesses to ensure our economic future. “Right-to-Work,” despite what its supporters tell you, will do neither. I look forward to working with these legislators to build a future for all workers in the Granite State.”

Richard Laughton, Teamsters Local 633 Business Agent, stated: “Today is a great day in New Hampshire labor. After months of working closely in coalition with almost every Union in the state and the assistance of the New Hampshire AFL-CIO. We are so proud to again beat back the anti-union legislation known as “Right-to-Work.” We want to thank our friends on both sides of the aisle for looking at this bad legislation and recognizing that it is not needed here in the state of New Hampshire. We have been battling this for nearly 40 years and we will continue to battle it for as long as it takes until it goes away forever. Today’s a day to celebrate our success and then get back to the work of representing our members. Thank you to everyone who was involved in this campaign.”

Brian Ryll, President of the Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire, added: “The New Hampshire advantage is supported by the contributions of the working class. We commend the legislature for recognizing the importance of blue-collar workers and for reaffirming its commitment to their well-being by once again rejecting so-called “right to work” legislation.”