NEA-New Hampshire Announces Recommendation of Biden for President

State’s largest union announces support for “tireless advocate for public education”

May 15, 2020 – Concord, NH – NEA-New Hampshire, the state’s largest union, today announced their recommendation of Joe Biden for President.

“It is my great honor and privilege to announce that NEA-New Hampshire is recommending Joe Biden for President and is asking our 17,000 members and their families to support him on Election Day in November,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President.

NEA-NH believes that Joe Biden is the tireless advocate for public education and partner that students and educators need in the White House. He is committed to attracting and retaining the best educators by paying them as the professionals they are and increasing funding for support staff and paraprofessionals.

“President Joe Biden will fire Betsy DeVos and replace her with an Education Secretary who comes from a public-school classroom and believes that educators must have a seat at the table when crafting education policy,” said Tuttle.

Joe Biden shares our belief that great public schools are the foundation for strong communities and a vibrant New Hampshire economy. He understands that every child needs a quality, well-equipped school right in their neighborhood where they can learn, be inspired, and thrive.

“I am proud of my profession, and I am proud to be part of an organization that today will give its full support to a leader who will stand up to the attacks on our public schools and fight to make them better,” Tuttle concluded.

A recommendation is the fullest and most complete level of support NEA-NH can give a candidate.