How To Make Life as a First Year Teacher a Little Easier

Learn From Master Educators How to Thrive in the First Year and Beyond

You’ve already prepped yourself for having a successful first quarter, but you still have a whole year left in the classroom! What can you do ensure the rest of your first school year is as successful as the first few months? How do you thrive in the first year and beyond?

Join our webinar  for resources and advice for master educators on how to have a successful first year in the classroom.

The webinar takes place on October 16 at 7 P.M. EST. Register today!

Join our panel of professional practice leaders as they share lessons learned about

  • setting up classrooms,
  • identifying instructional, local, and community resources,
  • and balancing professional expectations with the realities of life.

We here at NEA want to help support, advocate, and guide you in your pursuit of professional best practices.

So, make to take advantage of all the great resources we have available to new educators and sign up for this informative webinar today!

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