NEA-NH Latest Posts

Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!

Today, Americans in cities and towns all over the nation are celebrating National Teacher Day, a day set aside to honor educators in every community. I want to thank you […]

SB193 Hurts Real Kids in Real Need

The entire premise of a quality public education is based on the foundation of helping every child in every zip code. When supporters of SB193 say the bill will help […]

Legislative Update – 4/6/2018

With crossover day happening yesterday, the Senate began work on House bills (and vice-versa) this week. Educator Death Benefit Passes Senate Committee Unanimously The NEA-NH backed bill to extend the […]

Someone Will Win a Free Membership. Will It Be You?

With the help of pro-education and pro-labor Representatives in both parties, NEA-New Hampshire has been able to defeat a number of anti-education and anti-labor bills this Legislative session, although a […]