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NEA-New Hampshire Recommends Chris Pappas for Congress

Granite State Educators Back Chris to Continue Representing First District CONCORD, NH – Today, NEA-New Hampshire (NEA-NH) formally recommended Congressman Chris Pappas for reelection to the United States Congress in New Hampshire Congressional District 1. “I’m proud to earn the recommendation of NEA-New Hampshire. As a product of New Hampshire public schools, I know firsthand the incredible impact our educators’ hard work has on our communities and the next generation of Granite Staters. I will continue working to ensure every teacher receives the support, resources, and respect they deserve, and every student has access to a quality education,” said Congressman Chris Pappas. […]

PRESS RELEASE: NEA-NH Recommends Maggie Goodlander for Congress

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   October 15, 2024 Granite State educators back Maggie to represent the Second District Nashua, NH – Today, the National Education Association – New Hampshire (NEA-NH) formally recommended New Hampshire Second Congressional District Congressional candidate Maggie Goodlander for election to the United States Congress. “In classrooms across the Granite State, public school teachers do more than just teach – they inspire, nurture, and empower our students to fulfill their potential. We owe it to our educators to ensure that they have the benefits, funding, and support they deserve,” said Maggie Goodlander. “I’m beyond honored to receive a recommendation from […]

September 27, 2024: NEA-NH Legislative Update

Legislative Rules Committee Delays Vote on First Half on Public School Minimum Standards   Last week, the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (JLCAR), evaluated the State Board of Education’s Final Proposal on the first half of the minimum standards for public school approval (also known as the 306 Rules) as to whether they comply with current laws.  After only the first two people testified (with intermittent responses from the NH Department of Education), the Committee unanimously voted to put off any decision making on the first half of the rules until their November meeting when they receive the second […]

PRESS RELEASE: NEA-New Hampshire Recommends Joyce Craig for Governor

NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle: “NEA-New Hampshire is proud to recommend Joyce Craig’s campaign for governor.” MANCHESTER, NH – Today, NEA-New Hampshire (NEA-NH), the state’s largest educators’ union, is recommending Joyce Craig’s campaign for governor. NEA-NH, which represents over 15,000 public school employees across the state, stands firmly behind Joyce Craig’s mission to strengthen our public schools, support our students, and put an end to the state’s current voucher scheme that is gouging taxpayers.  “NEA-New Hampshire is proud to recommend Joyce Craig’s campaign for governor. New Hampshire’s students and educators deserve a governor who will have their backs. That means adequately funding […]

September 14, 2024: NEA-NH Legislative Update

New Laws Taking Effect Now – Make sure you know what changes are coming!  The legislature may not be in session, but things are still happening. To wrap up this past year we have assembled a list of legislation that was signed into law that directly affects public education, educators, and students.   Please look at the list which is organized by category and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out by e-mailing me at  State Board of Education Minimum Standards Overhaul Headed to Legislative Rules Committee  Next week the Joint Legislative Committee on Rules, will […]

AFT-NH and NEA-NH Leaders React to State Board Vote on 306 Rules Revision Proposal that Could Undermine Strong Standards for NH Public Schools

CONCORD, N.H.— Today, the New Hampshire State Board of Education pushed forward their final proposal for the first part of the Minimum Standards for Public School Approval, otherwise known as the “306 Rules,” subject to edits made to the document during the meeting. The next step for the 306 rules is a review by the Joint Legislative Committee on Rules on September 10.    After the vote, public education leaders released the following statements: “Public schools are the great equalizer – and the 306 Rules are intended to hold our state to that. Educators fought for a seat at the table […]