
NEA-NH Recommends Sherman to Their 17,000 Members

Concord, NH – August 2, 2022 – NEA-NH announced their recommendation of Dr. Tom Sherman for Governor today during their annual Summer Leadership Week event. “Now more than ever, New Hampshire needs a Governor who will fight for students and educators. A leader who will support policies that ensure each child, regardless of who they are, has a chance to get a high-quality public education. NEA-NH believes that person is Dr. Tom Sherman,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. “As governor, Tom Sherman will listen to the voices of educators, not attack them, and support a robust public education that […]

NEA-NH Supports Latest Education Funding Lawsuit

Association has long held that public education funding must be sufficient, equitable, and sustainable. JULY 27, 2022 – CONCORD, NH – The NEA-New Hampshire Executive Board voted to support the education funding lawsuit led by John Tobin, Natalie Laflamme and Andru Volinsky to force the state to address the vastly different rates placed on New Hampshire taxpayers based on decades of insufficient state funding for education. “We have long held that funding for public education regardless of your zip code must be sufficient, equitable, and sustainable,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. “The current formula used in New Hampshire fails […]

NEA-NH Thanks Bi-partisan House Majority for Rejecting HB1431

Today, a bi-partisan majority in the House voted to reject HB 1431, which, even after the adoption of amendments, still required mandatory, immediate disclosure to parents about changes in gender identity and expression at school. We are glad to see that a bi-partisan majority of Representatives agree that HB 1431 would cause harm to vulnerable students, and undermine school efforts to create affirming, inclusive learning environments. We thank the many members of the House for ensuring this dangerous legislation did not become law in New Hampshire.

NEA-NH Extends Profound Sympathies to Families of Those Lost in Texas School Shooting Today

“On behalf of our 17,000 members, I want to express our profound sympathies to the families of those killed in today’s school shooting in Texas” said NEA-NH President, Megan Tuttle. “Once again, children’s laughter was drowned out by the sound of gunshots and sirens. How many children and educators need to be killed before meaningful action is taken to make our schools safe?” “Our nation and state have the resources to stop this epidemic – what we lack is the will. Rather than pass and fund legislation that would provide additional mental health resources, we have new laws that prevent […]

After Committee Adopts HB1431, NEA-NH Hopeful On News of Promised Veto

HB 1431 was adopted with amendments by the Committee of Conference today. Even after the adoption of amendments, HB1431 still requires mandatory, immediate disclosure to parents about changes in gender identity and expression at school – it interferes in parent-child relationships, causes harm to vulnerable LGBTQ+ and other students, and undermines school efforts to create affirming, inclusive learning environments. “Parents and teachers in New Hampshire have been working together for a long time to ensure our schools consistently provide what’s best for our children and their education,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. “HB 1431 disregards these well-tended relationships, substituting […]

NEA-NH Statement on Senate Passage of HB 1431

Parents and teachers in New Hampshire have been working together for a long time to ensure our schools consistently provide what’s best for our children and their education. It’s part of the reason New Hampshire is always in the top 5 ranked public school systems in the country. Instead of building upon the on-going parent-teacher relationship, HB 1431 takes the opposite approach. Its broad language around so-called rights and notice, particularly on the heels of the banned concepts law, coupled with the threat of litigation will only provoke a greater chill in our schools. Rather than working to encourage educators […]