
BLOG: NEA-New Hampshire Member Participation Key to Landmark Ruling Striking Down Unconstitutional ‘Banned Concepts’ Law

This week, a federal court ruled that New Hampshire’s “banned concepts” law is unconstitutional which restores the teaching of truth and the right to learn for all Granite Staters. This is the first decision in the country striking down a classroom censorship law that applies to K-12 public schools.  Following the bill’s passage in 2021, NEA-New Hampshire and AFT-New Hampshire heard from teachers that they were confused about what they could and could not teach, and that they were scared of the repercussions for guessing wrong.  After passage of the ‘banned concepts law’ in 2021, NEA-New Hampshire heard from teachers […]

JOINT RELEASE: VICTORY: Court Declares NH Classroom Censorship Law Unconstitutional

Vague law actively discouraged public school teachers from teaching and talking about race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and gender identity inside and outside the classroom Court decision can be viewed here For Immediate Release: May 28, 2024 Contact: Ari Mischik, ACLU-NH, Sara Persechino, NEA-NH, Amanda Johnston, GLAD, Déodonné Bhattarai, DRC-NH,  CONCORD, N.H. – A federal court ruled today that New Hampshire’s classroom censorship law is unconstitutional. A broad coalition of educators and advocacy groups brought the challenge to the law, which actively discouraged public school teachers from teaching and talking about race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and gender identity inside and outside […]

RELEASE: Senate Vote Could Lower Standards for New Hampshire Teachers

CONCORD, NH – Today, the New Hampshire Senate passed HB 1298 as amended by a voice vote. This bill would lower standards for teachers by creating an uncertified “Part-Time Teacher” who can teach in public schools provided they work less than 30 hours a week, pass a criminal history record check, and are subject to the educator code of conduct. There is no time limit to this status or requirement for a path to certification, traditional or alternative, where a teacher could receive feedback, support, or professional development.  HB 1298 now goes back to the House for a vote to […]

JOINT RELEASE: NH Senate Passes Bill to Expand School Vouchers, Increasing Household Income Eligibility Cap from 350% to 400% of Federal Poverty Guidelines Despite Strong Public Opposition

Educators, Parents, Public School Advocates React; Warn Lawmakers of Devastating Financial and Educational Consequences CONCORD, NH – Today, the New Hampshire Senate voted 14-10 on party lines to pass HB 1665-FN, as amended, which would expand the state’s unaccountable school voucher program yet again.  As passed by the House of Representatives, HB 1665 sought to expand school voucher eligibility from 350% to 500% of the federal poverty level; as amended by the Senate, this bill would expand eligibility to 400% of the federal poverty guidelines, or $124,800 for a family of four. This bill’s language now mirrors SB 442, which […]

New Hampshire Senate Votes to Support Dramatic and Vague Expansion of Curriculum Notice Requirement

CONCORD, NH – Today, the New Hampshire Senate voted 13-10 in support of ‘Ought to Pass’ on HB 1312, which would dramatically extend the state’s current 2-week notice requirement for objectionable materials to include any curriculum related to sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression. This bill would create an unworkable standard that would leave educators wondering what course material could apply to the notice requirements that traditionally had been focused on sex education and health classes.   HB 1312 next goes to Governor Sununu.   Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-New Hampshire, provided the following statement after the vote:  “It […]

Megan Tuttle: From Class Size to Curriculum, Public School Standards Overhaul Will Impact Every Facet of Public Education in NH

The below op-ed authored by NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle was published in The Union Leader, The Concord Monitor, and The Keene Sentinel. As a mom, I want strong schools for my three boys. As an educator, I want all Granite State students to have access to high-quality educational opportunities, regardless of their zip code. As the head of New Hampshire’s largest educator union, I want clear and comprehensive guidelines for public schools. That’s why I’ve been fighting for a seat at the table when it comes to overhauling the “306 Rules” – New Hampshire’s Minimum Standards for Public School Approval.  […]