NH Public Education

Keene Education Association Builds Community and Membership

by Caitlin Rollo This summer the Keene Education Association participated in the NEA Education Summer program. Through this grant program from NEA – and in partnership with NEA-NH, the KEA participated in the six week program by having six part-time member organizers (each working 5-10 hours a week) out in the field engaging new hires, potential members, and their current membership using new and creative techniques. The goal of this work is to not only grow their membership by twenty-four new members, but create a sense of community within their membership as they return to school without a contract and […]

NEA-NH Member Benefits Minute – Complimentary Life Insurance

In this episode, NEA-New Hampshire Member Benefits Coordinator Jeff Kantorowski explains the benefits of the complimentary life insurance policy provided to all NEA members and the importance of naming a beneficiary.   To help give your family the insurance protection and added peace of mind they deserve, the NEA Members Insurance Trust offers Complimentary Life Insurance at no extra cost to Active, Staff, Reserve and Life members. This complimentary coverage includes: Up to $1,000 of term life insurance Up to $5,000 of accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) coverage $50,000 of AD&D insurance for any covered accident that occurs on the […]

Manchester Educators and Students Deserve Better

Manchester Education Association President Sue Hannan released the following statement this evening: “Manchester educators have received their first paycheck of the year, and nothing has changed. Steps are frozen for the fourth time in 6 years. Contract negotiations are stalled with no meeting scheduled with the school board negotiations committee, and MEA continues to wait for a salary proposal from the board.” “No one on the school board or Board of Mayor and Aldermen is standing up to publicly ask why the negotiations are stalled. To the educators of Manchester, this creates a perception that they do not care about […]

Manchester Educators “Rock Stars” During 5-hour Lockdown

During an active shooting incident in Manchester Friday morning, police secured Manchester Central High School while searching for the suspect. That search led them to deploy a SWAT team near the school. The high school went into secure in place at 11:00 a.m. Manchester police officers were present as students inside the school remained in their classes for the rest of the day. The campus at Central has multiple buildings, and students were not allowed to change classes from 11 a.m. on. Ultimately, police made the decision not to release students at the usual dismissal time as students would have […]

Together We Thrive

New Hampshire needs unions now more than ever as Supreme Court sides with corporate billionaires, rigging the economy against workers and their families. With its decision in Janus v. AFSCME, the U.S. Supreme Court turned its back on American workers—the educators, nurses, firefighters, police officers, and public servants who make our communities strong and safe. The Court’s ruling is a massive gift to the special interests and billionaires who already benefit from a system that is rigged in their favor and against the rights and freedoms of working people. They brought this case to silence our voice and make it […]

America Needs Unions Now More Than Ever as Supreme Court Sides With Corporate Billionaires

On heels of high-profile walkouts, new organizing and spiking approval for unions, union leaders see decision as rallying point to unrig economy and put workers first WASHINGTON – June 27, 2018 – The following statement was issued by leaders and members of NEA, AFSCME, SEIU and AFT following the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to rule against working people and in favor of billionaire CEOs and corporate interests in Janus v. AFSCME Council 31, holding that requiring fair-share fees in the public sector violates the First Amendment of the Constitution. As millions of American workers recommit to their unions and […]