NH Public Education

NEA-NH Announces Fall Retirement Planning Seminar Schedule

NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits offer useful information to help you plan your retirement. Don’t miss this event! Learn what you need in order to retire with peace of mind! NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits are pleased to present these retirement seminars to help you plan for your retirement. These seminars are ideal for those who are 2-5 years (or more) from retirement. We will review many of the pieces of the retirement puzzle, including:  NH Retirement System Healthcare and Medicare Financial Planning Options NEA Member Benefits for Retirees There are several different seminar dates and locations from which […]

NH Education Commissioner Sending Very Mixed Signals Regarding Credentials

An Open Letter to Commissioner Edelblut Dear Commissioner Edelblut I want you to know that we agree with you. Yes, you read that correctly. NEA-NH agrees with you and Steve Appleby, Administer for Credentialing at the Board of Education. Recently there have been many stories in the news about the Assistant Superintendent of Concord not being credentialed for the position of Assistant Superintendent. Even though she has many other certifications, Steve Appleby said in a recent interview with WMUR, “it’s a concern even for school officials who don’t work directly with students.” We agree. It’s just not a good idea […]

NEA-NH Retirement Planning Seminar Dates Announced

NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits offer useful information to help you plan your retirement. Don’t miss this event! Learn what you need in order to retire with peace of mind! NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits are pleased to present this retirement seminar to help you plan for your retirement. This seminar is ideal for those who are 2-5 years (or more) from retirement. We will review many of the pieces of the retirement puzzle, including:  NH Retirement System  Healthcare and Medicare  Financial Planning Options  NEA Member Benefits for Retirees There are several different seminar dates and […]

Make No Mistake – Governor Sununu’s Veto is His Education Plan

NEA-NH President, Megan Tuttle, testified along with scores of others during the State House Public Hearing on the Effects of the Continuing Resolution (for the Budget) on the Department of Education. Her comments appear below. “Good morning. My name is Megan Tuttle and I am president of NEA-New Hampshire. As the school year begins again, our members are back at work making sure the success story that is within every child has a chance to be discovered and come to life. Our public schools instill and nurture a great sense of community, offer a wide array of educational choices, have […]

5 Steps to Get Rid of Back-to-School Anxiety

Start the year strong and curb back-to-school jitters with these tips and ideas from educator, educational speaker and author, Dr. Harry Wong. by NEA Member Benefits Back-to-school is an exciting time, even if you’ve been teaching for decades. Sure, you’re excited to welcome a new class of students, but getting back to class may also bring first-day butterflies, stress and concerns about your ability to groom successful learners. The antidote to your anxiety, says Harry Wong, co-author of “The First Days of School” and “THE Classroom Management Book” (HarryWong.com), is a carefully thought out classroom management plan. “A well-managed classroom […]

Chris Sununu Sided With the Gun Lobby – Not Our Kids. Let Him Know How Disappointed You Are.

At a final debate as a Gubernatorial candidate in 2016, Chris Sununu promised voters he’d support universal background checks and other measures to protect Granite Staters, especially victims of domestic violence, but now Sununu is siding with the corporate gun lobby instead of standing up for common sense public safety measures.   Last week, Chris Sununu vetoed three bills meant to implement common sense gun violence protection measures. Three bills passed by the New Hampshire House and Senate and supported by a majority of New Hampshire citizens.  Three bills which would have made our schools, places of worship, and stores […]