NH Public Education

What NH Students and Families Need Now is PPE, Test Kits, Laptops and Internet Access – Not More Charter Schools

New Hampshire House and Senate leaders plan to move ahead this week on the $46 million federal grant to help double the state’s charter schools – their first major legislative action since taking power in the Legislature last month. Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut said his department will be submitting another request to accept the funding at Friday’s Fiscal Committee meeting. “The pandemic has made it clear that many of our public schools and districts need help. Now is not the time to double the number of charter schools in New Hampshire,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “NH Students and families need […]

NEA-New Hampshire Election Notice

Filing Deadline is January 15, 2021 Founded in 1854, the New Hampshire State Teachers Association became one of the “founding ten” state education associations that formed the National Education Association in 1857. Known today as NEA-NH, and comprised of more than 17,000 members, our mission to advocate for the children of New Hampshire and public school employees and to promote lifelong learning remains true after more than 160 years. Our members are public school educators in all stages of their careers, including classroom teachers and other certified professionals, instructors at public higher education institutions, students preparing for a teaching career, […]

An Open Thank You Letter to the Professionals in the Keene Paraprofessionals Association

On this ESP Day, I want to thank each of you who continue to make our community a better place as we adapt to new learning and working environments. Jazz B.: Outstanding Treasurer and leader in her building, brings sunshine where she goes!  Always willing to help at community events. Kristen K., Vice President. Advocate for students and staff to get everyone what they need to be successful, from breakfast to books for professional development. Erin W.: New Secretary who is willing to always put on her secretary hat at a moment’s notice.  Willing to speak up for things that […]

NEA-NH Encourages School Funding Commission to be “Bold” and “Comprehensive”

NEA-NH president Megan Tuttle provided the following testimony to the School Funding Commission this afternoon: Good afternoon, my name is Megan Tuttle President of NEA-NH. Our union represents over 17,000 educators across our state in collective bargaining. In addition to negotiating and representing school staff and faculty we also provide our members high quality professional development and raise money for scholarships and basic needs for our students. Before I begin, I would like to thank each one of you for your service on this committee and to the legislators who pushed to form this Commission. While our educators and students […]

Isn’t it Time You Stood Up For Our Public Schools, Commissioner?

The grant you submitted again today does still not address the basic charter school safeguards of transparency, opportunity and quality.  It takes money directly from our underfunded public-school system, and ties taxpayers to a generation of new expenses. We thank all those elected officials who continue to have the courage to stand up to you. We all believe education has the power to change lives. In fact, as a society we believe the value of an education is so great to the individual and the common good, that we all agree to share in its cost so that everyone, no […]

A headshot of Megan Tuttle

President’s Letter: Elections Matter – Be Heard

It’s been two years since the last “big” election. I think we all could have predicted that Betsy DeVos and Donald Trump would continue to undermine public education every chance they could – and they did. I think we all know that Commissioner Edelblut would do everything in his power to implement the Trump-DeVos agenda – and he did. I think we all hoped that Governor Sununu would be more moderate in his approach toward education. Instead, he showed just how devoted he was to the notion of dismantling public education when he opposed funding increases, and how little he […]