NH Public Education

NEA-NH: We Have a Few Questions, Governor

CONCORD – We’re hoping to get some answers from the Governor at today’s press conference regarding his new order that circumvents the carefully crafted plans of many school districts in the state. Well before the Governor decided to insert himself into this process, school districts had developed safe re-opening plans and were on track to return to full-time classes by early May. Those plans were created with the input of educators, administrators, parents, and health officials to address the unique needs of each school and bring students back AS QUICKLY AND AS SAFELY AS POSSIBLE – which has always been […]

NEA-NH Calling for RedForEd TOMORROW, Thursday, April 8

We’re asking all members and supporters to wear red to show our outrage over the Governor’s order Well before the Governor decided to insert himself into the process, many school districts had developed plans and were on track to return to full-time classes by early May.  Those plans were created with the input of educators, administrators, parents and health officials to address the unique needs of each school and bring students back AS QUICKLY AND AS SAFELY AS POSSIBLE. This has always been our goal. To call attention to the unnecessary chaos and complete lack of regard for local control […]

NEA-NH Calling for RedForEd This Thursday

We’re asking all members and supporters to wear red to show our outrage over the Governor’s order that puts us and our students in danger. Without consultation or reason, Governor Sununu announced that all New Hampshire schools must offer a full-time five-day-a-week in-person learning option by April 19. Right now, many school districts are already on track to return to full-time classes by early May. Vaccines are a large part of the solution to keep our educators and kids safe. But they do not reach their maximum effectiveness until 2 weeks after the second dose. Not all educators got their vaccines […]

NEA-NH: This is not the time to let down our guard, Governor

Today, Governor Sununu announced that all New Hampshire schools must return to full-time five-day-a-week in-person learning by April 19. To be clear, there has never been a question about whether educators want to go back into the classroom. We want nothing more than to be back to in-person learning, to be with our students to ensure they have what they need to succeed to end this period of interrupted learning. “Vaccines are a large part of the solution to keep our educators and kids safe. But they do not reach their maximum effectiveness until 2 weeks after the second dose. […]

NH Educators Join Congresswoman Kuster in American Rescue Plan Roundtable

New Hampshire educators joined Congresswoman Ann Kuster today for a roundtable discussion on the effect COVID has had on our school year and the impact the newly passed American Rescue Plan can have on helping our recovery. NEA-NH members Dan Brodien from Littleton High School, Jennifer Aiken from Vilas Middle School, Christopher Gagnon, from Chichester Central High School, and Larry Ballard from Amherst Middle School, joined Congresswoman Kuster in a wide ranging discussion on how COVID has impacted their personal and professional lives. Congress passed a historic economic relief package, the American Rescue Plan, which will provide critical funding to […]

Save, Invest and Spend with the NEA Smart Money Account

NEA Member Benefits is excited to introduce a new web and app-based financial services program for NEA members called the NEA Smart Money Account. Offered in partnership with Investor Cash Management Holdings, Inc. (ICM), a banking and investments innovator, the program helps savers become investors by providing one convenient solution that encompasses banking, payments, and investments. The NEA Smart Money Account Program allows members to create an FDIC-insured account with the option to re-direct assets into low-risk securities that may yield higher investment returns. The program enables experienced investors and those who have never invested to generate higher returns on […]