NH Public Education

NEA-NH: Sununu Silences Educators By Signing Budget

CONCORD, June 25, 2021 – Once again, Governor Sununu has failed even the simplest test of leadership. Rather than chart a course that would help the largest number of New Hampshire families, students, parents, and taxpayers, he signed a dangerous and harmful budget at 4:45pm on a Friday afternoon.  In his ongoing attempt to defund and dismantle public education, he signed a budget that silences educators while robbing our public schools of needed funds to pay for private school vouchers for the wealthy. We will not be deterred. New Hampshire educators will persevere in their commitment to prepare our students […]

NEA-NH: Ongoing Assault on Public Education Continues With Passage of Budget

CONCORD, June 24, 2021 – NEA-New Hampshire is deeply disappointed but not at all surprised by today’s vote on the budget. This body of elected representatives did very, very little in the way of truly representing the priorities and values of the majority of New Hampshire’s citizens, and this budget reflects just how out of step the General Court has become. ‘Nothing is more important than our children,’ they say. But House and Senate leadership defund our schools and muzzle our educators every chance they get. The budget they advanced today shifts an even greater amount of education costs onto […]

“A Better New Hampshire is Possible” Rally at State House Tomorrow

CONCORD, NH – On Thursday, June 24th at 10 am, a grassroots coalition for a People’s Budget will gather at the State House in Concord to demand a better budget for New Hampshire. The rally will take place as the House and Senate hold concurrent sessions to vote on the final version of the state budget. The rally will feature advocates on issues of racial justice, public education equity, disability justice, tax fairness, and the urgency of climate action. WHAT: Coalition for a People’s Budget to Gather at the State House for “A Better New Hampshire is Possible” Rally WHEN: […]

NEA-NH: Budget Proposal Fails to Represent and Fund New Hampshire Values

CONCORD, June 17, 2021 – Today, the House and Senate conferees on HB 2 produced a budget proposal that contains numerous provisions that are opposed by the vast majority of the people of New Hampshire. The conferees included an unaccountable private and religious school voucher program which would increase property taxes by attempting to fund 2 different education systems – one public and one private – and both on the taxpayer’s dime. Two polls conducted this year have shown the overwhelming majority of Granite Staters oppose such a program, and a record 5,000+ registered their opposition to the legislation at its […]

NEA-NH Mourns the Loss of Representative Douglas Ley

NEA-NH is deeply saddened by the passing of long-time champion for education, educators, and working families, Douglas Ley. “We grieve the loss of our colleague, Doug Ley,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “Doug’s dedication to public education and to all those who work in our schools enhanced student learning and improved educator working conditions.  His work benefited New Hampshire’s students, schools, and communities. His fighting spirit and steadfast commitment to working families will be missed.” “We extend our sincerest condolences to his wife, sons, and loved ones and hope they know that they are in our thoughts during this most […]

Exeter “Para-ennial” Garden For a Stress Free End to the Week

The Exeter Paraprofessional Association has planted a perennial garden at the Park Street Playground in Exeter. “We’re calling it a ‘para-ennial’ garden,” said Paula Gailing . “We put a bee house in it because our school focuses on the 4-B’s: Be kind. Be safe. Be your best. Be respectful.” Exeter Paraprofessional Association members, pictured (from left to right) include Denise Dionne, Karen Henebry (garden designer), Margie Matlack (secretary), Sue Eno (VP),  Deb McLarnon, Paula Gailing (Co-President), and Martha Brouillette-Martel (project organizer). Whether you’re a veteran educator or newbie, this school year has been a voyage into uncharted waters. The “para-ennial” […]