Legislative Update

1/24/25: NEA-NH Legislative Update

This Week’s Re-Cap and What You Can Do Next: Action Links and Book Events!  Thank you to all those who sent in testimony this week on several extremely important bills! We had hearings for bills related to school funding, expanding the code of conduct to include responsibility to parents, creating a permanent part-time unlicensed teacher status, our first bill restricting cell phone use, and anti-union legislation.  With every bill we had great huge numbers of NEA-NH members signing in and writing incredible testimony that only educators can deliver!  None of these bills have been voted on in committee but could […]

January 29: Meet Josh Cowen, Author of The Privateers, for a Community Conversation on Vouchers

In The Privateers, Josh Cowen lays bare the surprising history of tax-funded school choice programs in the United States and warns of the dangers of education privatization. A former evaluator of state and local voucher programs, Cowen demonstrates how, as such programs have expanded in the United States, so too has the evidence-informed case against them.  As state lawmakers consider yet another effort to expand an unaccountable voucher scheme, we are thrilled to host two events with Josh Cowen and hope you will join us! Can’t make the event but want to take action? Click here to urge your state lawmakers […]

1/17/25: NEA-NH Legislative Update

Broad Array of People Testify Against Universal Voucher Bill!   One of the biggest bills of the year had its public hearing this week in the House Education Funding Committee. HB 115 would expand our unaccountable voucher program by eliminating the income qualifying cap entirely. Thank you to everyone who signed in, wrote in or testified in-person against this bill! Overall, there were more than 3,400 people who signed in against the bill compared to only 791 who signed in support. A broad array of people came out in opposition including several NEA-NH members, people who went to or sent their […]

1/10/25: NEA-NH Legislative Update 

As the 2025 New Hampshire legislative session kicks off, educators are bracing for what could be a pivotal year for our students, our classrooms, and our profession. Click here to read a powerful call to action from NEA-New Hampshire President Megan Tuttle.  First Week of Hearings Begins with House Universal Vouchers!  ACTION REQUESTED: SIGN IN TO OPPOSE HB 115 being heard in the HOUSE Education Funding Committee on Thursday, January 16th at 1:00 pm. Please find step-by-step instructions to sign in below.  One of the biggest bills of the year will have its hearing during the very first week of […]

NEA-New Hampshire Legislative Advocacy Toolkit 

Introduction  Most of the tools you need to be a legislative advocate for public education are right at your fingertips through NEA-New Hampshire. Just go to www.neanh.org and click on the Legislative Dashboard.   LINK: NEA-NH Legislative Dashboard   From here you will have access to our:  Tracking Important Bills  NEA-New Hampshire uses a legislative tracking website called Fast Democracy to help our team track the hundreds of hearings, amendments, bill filings and more. As a member you have access to that same tool!  You can click on the full list of ALL 2025 NEA-NH Tracked Bills or click on a particular […]

NEA-NH President Tuttle: New Hampshire Educators Stand United for Students and Public Schools 

As the 2025 New Hampshire legislative session kicks off, educators are bracing for what could be a pivotal year for our students, our classrooms, and our profession.   As the president of NEA-New Hampshire, I represent thousands of educators across the state, many of whom feel like their voices are increasingly drowned out by political forces that do not understand the challenges we face daily.  New Hampshire’s public schools have weathered a global pandemic, navigated staffing shortages, and dealt with the escalating mental health crisis that affects both students and educators. Despite these struggles, we have remained committed to the students […]