Legislative Action

NEA-NH Government Relations Committee: Many Strong Choices for Educators This Primary

When asked by Patrick Cogan, Chair of NEA-NH’s Government Relations Committee, what a recommendation from NEA-NH would mean to his campaign, Cory Booker replied that the Presidency of the United States is the most powerful and influential position in the world, impacting the lives of Americans and countless people around the world. An NEA-NH recommendation would help him, or any candidate, do well in the New Hampshire primary, proving that he or she was a viable candidate as they moved into other primaries across the nation. “In short,” Booker said, “the people in this room could change world history.” This […]

Priorities for New Hampshire Public Education: NEA-NH’s 2020 Legislative Agenda

It is clear to us that great public schools are the result of valuing children over profit. As a society, we have long held that the value of public education was so great, that we would all share in its costs. Elected officials have the power to create and fund laws that can help fulfill that or break that promise. So as long as politicians have a say in what goes on in our classrooms, we must be sure our voices are heard by them as they go about the people’s business in Washington, Concord, and our local communities. Students […]

Charter Grant Has Far Too Many Unanswered Questions

NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle released the following statement today: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Yet, this is exactly what we have come to expect from programs and initiatives championed by our education commissioner, Frank Edelblut. First it was the hype and misdirection surrounding his “Learn Everywhere” rules. Now it’s his “look I found $46 million for our charter schools with no strings attached” plan. Let’s be clear: the money Commissioner Edelblut is peddling from Betsy DeVos will cost New Hampshire far more than $46 million over five years and will do nothing to help […]

Saugus School Shooting Cannot Be Just Another School Day in America

There was a shooting at another high school in America today. Our schools should be the safest place a child can be. Unfortunately, that seems far from reality. “We do not need to debate one day longer on why mass killings take place in America. We’ve seen far too many people killed in schools, in houses of worship, in malls, at movie theaters and stores. We know killers commit these violent acts because they have far too easy access to lethal weapons,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “New Hampshire has been fortunate to have been spared the agony of identifying […]

FMLA Benefit Now Available to Education Support Professionals

“In December of 2006 tragedy hit my family. My husband was diagnosed with a rare advanced cancer and he required immediate surgery and would undergo intense chemotherapy in Lebanon over the next year. During this time I was able to use the sick time I had accrued to care for him after the surgery and take him to his biweekly appointments.” That is how her testimony to the Senate Committee began. In 2014, NEA-NH Executive Board Member Melissa Alexander started working on a crusade to ensure no other education professional would have to go through what she experienced. Denied time […]

State Board Votes to Devalue NH Diplomas

“The double-standard voted into place today is insulting to education professionals across New Hampshire.” Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President NEA-NH is disappointed but not surprised by the vote taken by the State Board of Education to adopt Commissioner Edleblut’s ‘Learn Everywhere’ rules. “Today, the New Hampshire State Board of Education (SBOE) voted to no longer require state certification, student teaching, adherence to the state’s code of conduct or probationary periods to teach a high school class for a semester and award graduation credit,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. “They instead will now rely solely on a vendor’s application describing […]