Legislative Action

NEA-NH Testimony on HB 1255: Teacher ‘Loyalty’ Bill

Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President, provided testimony in opposition of HB 1255 on January 20, 2022. Here is the transcript of her submitted remarks: Dear Chairman Ladd and honorable members of the House Education Committee, My name is Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-NH, where we represent over 17,000 public school educators across our state. I am here on behalf of NEA-NH to strongly object to the passage of HB 1255, which we see as a doubling down on the banned concepts law enacted in HB 2, a law already subject to 2 federal lawsuits because of the chilling effect it has […]

NEA-NH Testimony on HB 1015

Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President, provided testimony in opposition of HB 1015 on January 20, 2022. Here is the transcript of her submitted remarks: Good morning. My name is Megan Tuttle and I represent more than 17,000 professional educators in the state as President of NEA-New Hampshire. After reading HB 1015, and other bills put forward this session regarding public education, I am left wondering “Who would want to be a teacher right now? Have you seen how professional educators are being treated?” I’ll not spend time today trying to understand the motivation behind this bill, but I will call your […]

NEA-NH Calls on Governor Sununu to Swiftly Denounce State Sanctioned Bounty Hunters and Repeal Banned Concepts Law

CONCORD, NH – NOVEMBER 12, 2021 – In response to the offering of monetary bounties by political allies of Governor Sununu’s Education Commissioner in return for targeting educators over the new banned concepts law, NEA-NH is calling on Governor Sununu to denounce this vigilante tactic and urge the Legislature to repeal this disaster of a law. Politicians like Commissioner Edelblut who pushed for this ban don’t think children deserve an honest and accurate education bear responsibility for this type of repugnant activity. “We want our kids to have an education that imparts honesty about who we are, integrity in how […]

NEA-NH: Ongoing Assault on Public Education Continues With Passage of Budget

CONCORD, June 24, 2021 – NEA-New Hampshire is deeply disappointed but not at all surprised by today’s vote on the budget. This body of elected representatives did very, very little in the way of truly representing the priorities and values of the majority of New Hampshire’s citizens, and this budget reflects just how out of step the General Court has become. ‘Nothing is more important than our children,’ they say. But House and Senate leadership defund our schools and muzzle our educators every chance they get. The budget they advanced today shifts an even greater amount of education costs onto […]

“A Better New Hampshire is Possible” Rally at State House Tomorrow

CONCORD, NH – On Thursday, June 24th at 10 am, a grassroots coalition for a People’s Budget will gather at the State House in Concord to demand a better budget for New Hampshire. The rally will take place as the House and Senate hold concurrent sessions to vote on the final version of the state budget. The rally will feature advocates on issues of racial justice, public education equity, disability justice, tax fairness, and the urgency of climate action. WHAT: Coalition for a People’s Budget to Gather at the State House for “A Better New Hampshire is Possible” Rally WHEN: […]

NEA-NH Calling for RedForEd TOMORROW, Thursday, April 8

We’re asking all members and supporters to wear red to show our outrage over the Governor’s order Well before the Governor decided to insert himself into the process, many school districts had developed plans and were on track to return to full-time classes by early May.  Those plans were created with the input of educators, administrators, parents and health officials to address the unique needs of each school and bring students back AS QUICKLY AND AS SAFELY AS POSSIBLE. This has always been our goal. To call attention to the unnecessary chaos and complete lack of regard for local control […]