Legislative Action

NEA-NH Testifies in Opposition to Voucher Expansion

“I am writing to you today to express our strong opposition to HB 464 and HB 367, legislation that would greatly increase the amount of funds directed toward our school voucher program by expanding the eligibility of the program. The bills appear to do so by eliminating the income eligibility among a variety of categories of students.” This is how the testimony submitted by NEA-NH for today’s hearings on HV 464 and 367 began. The evidence is just too stark to justify the use of public money to fund private expenses and tuition. Vouchers fail to deliver for the kids […]

Federal Court Rules “Banned Concepts” Lawsuit Can Continue

Federal judge allows case to proceed, saying “Given the severe consequences that teachers face if they are found to have taught or advocated a banned concept, plaintiffs have pleaded a plausible claim that the amendments are unconstitutionally vague” United States District Judge Paul J. Barbadoro ruled on the State of New Hampshire’s request to dismiss the lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of several recent amendments to New Hampshire’s education and antidiscrimination laws that restrict what public school teachers can say to their students about how to understand, prevent, and redress discrimination in our society. While he did rule that claims that […]

The Solution to a Political Problem Can Be Found at the Ballot Box

Many New Hampshire schools started the new school year with fewer educators than they ended with in June. Some schools still face critical shortages in key areas. Educators across the state are optimistic as always about the prospects of the new year, and are anxious to get back into our classrooms with our students, but we all wonder how we got here, will things get any worse, and what can we do to make it better? As summer vacation memories fade, the nightmare of last year’s teacher loyalty bills, divisive concepts laws, gun violence in schools and Commissioner Edelblut’s constant […]

NEA-NH Statement on Senate Passage of HB 1431

Parents and teachers in New Hampshire have been working together for a long time to ensure our schools consistently provide what’s best for our children and their education. It’s part of the reason New Hampshire is always in the top 5 ranked public school systems in the country. Instead of building upon the on-going parent-teacher relationship, HB 1431 takes the opposite approach. Its broad language around so-called rights and notice, particularly on the heels of the banned concepts law, coupled with the threat of litigation will only provoke a greater chill in our schools. Rather than working to encourage educators […]

NEA-NH Opposes Extreme Anti-Masking Bill HB 1131

HB1131 seeks to prohibits school boards and accredited nonpublic schools from adopting, enforcing, or implementing a policy that requires students or members of the public to wear a facial covering. The bill also enables any person who claims to be aggrieved by this proposed law to be able to initiate a civil action against a school, the district, or the local school board as well as other litigation adds a violation of the law by a certified educator to the growing list of proposed violations of the code of conduct. and will make our schools less safe. HB 1131 is […]

NEA-NH: We must hold every school to the same standard, whether public or private.

NEA-New Hampshire President, Megan Tuttle, offered testimony today in favor of swift passage of HB 1607, a bill that would ensure “that there shall be no unlawful discrimination in any public school, private school, approved school tuition program, or educational service that receives public funds.” Here is the text of her testimony: Chairman Ladd and Honorable members of the House Education Committee, My name is Megan Tuttle, I am the President of NEA-NH and I represent more than 17,000 New Hampshire educators. For more than 168 years it has been our mission to advocate for the children and public-school employees […]