Legislative Action

NEA-New Hampshire’s 2018 Legislative Priorities

Another legislative session begins soon, and NEA-NH is ready to promote and defend public education and educators in Concord. Vouchers: Regardless of what they’re called; vouchers, education savings accounts, or tuition tax credits; these schemes all rob public schools of vital public funding and resources.  Taxpayer money from hard working families across the state should not end up in the untraceable bank accounts of private schools. A child’s opportunity for success should never be left to chance – whether it’s a charter school lottery or a privater school voucher – both are risky propositions with no assurances.  What every child […]

NEA-NH Reaction to Supreme Court Decision to Hear Janus v. AFSME

Case would make the nation’s entire public sector “right-to-work”  CONCORD, September 28, 2017- Today the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would hear Janus v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Council 31. This case is a purely political scheme to further rig the economy against working people and the middle class by striking at the freedom of working people to come together in strong unions. Collective bargaining gives educators and students a voice in their schools and workplace. It not only helps assure fair wages and benefits, but also improves teaching and learning conditions. “That means everyone connected […]

Community Coalition Fights to Save Local Schools

Keep Woodsville Open coalition using live-streaming and other tools to keep residents informed When the residents and educators in Haverhill learned there was a movement to convince officials and voters to send the town’s children to Vermont for school to avoid paying for needed repairs on their own schools, they went to work. Concerned citizens, along with current and former students, came together to discuss the funding needed for upgrades and updates at Woodsville Elementary School and Woodsville High School.  Out of these discussions, the Keep Woodsville Open (KWO) coalition was formed and currently includes local citizens, students, alumni, and […]

A headshot of Megan Tuttle

This Year Has to be Different

President’s Message, by Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President As the school year begins, I cannot help feeling that this year is very different.  The events of this summer have brought headlines about violence, race, justice and equality back into our daily life.  We shudder as we witness the violence, the hate that produced it, and the official response from our government that only serves to legitimize it. Our role as educators has always been important.  But this year seems different.  Our ever-connected students face the news and images of bigotry and hate constantly.  This year we cannot believe our annual preparations […]

Preparations Underway to Promote and Defend Public Education in NH

NEA-New Hampshire’s Legislative Agenda and Priorities for the 2018 session For more than 150 years, NEA-New Hampshire has been committed to improving student achievement in New Hampshire public schools, providing learning opportunities for teachers and students, and ensuring that all students are ready to learn.  Our unwavering belief in opportunity, respect and fairness drives our legislative and leadership teams who work tirelessly for our members in Concord and Washington. “Attacks on education, opportunity and fairness happen every year, and we believe this year will be no different,” said Brendon Browne, Government Relations Director for NEA-New Hampshire.  “As this legislative season […]

Now They Want To Tell Us How To Pay Our Bills

We face a new challenge to our ability to effectively advocate for the 180,000 children in our public schools – the prohibition of payroll dues deduction. The bill, sponsored by Representatives, Hinch, Kurk, Packard, Chandler, Carr and Ohm states that “no public employer shall withhold union dues from a public employee’s wages. No other deductions are targeted by their bill. Only union dues. This legislation serves no purpose except to punish school employees and the unions that represent them. It creates no jobs, saves no money for school districts, and does nothing to improve education. It is a mean-spirited political […]