Legislative Action

NEA-NH Announces Recommendation of Molly Kelly for Governor

NEA-New Hampshire recommended Molly Kelly to be the next governor of New Hampshire in a press conference at Beaver Meadow School in Concord this week. “Molly Kelly has always been a champion for public school education, and we enthusiastically endorse her to be our next governor,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH president. “Instead of pushing a school voucher program that would weaken public schools, we know Molly will work to strengthen public education, support teachers and ensure every child can earn a quality education.” “It is an honor to earn the support of tens of thousands of public school teachers and […]

Reviewing the 2017-2018 Legislative Results

The 2017-2018 Legislative Session has come to a close, a little earlier than usual this year due to State House renovations. Here is a quick look back at the past two sessions in Concord, beginning with the 2018 Session. Established an Educator Death Benefit and Increased Funding for School Security Since Columbine, educators have too often been called upon to act as first responders to incidents of school violence. HB 1415 establishes a $100,000 death benefit for any school employee killed in the line of duty as a result of school violence. NEA-New Hampshire sincerely hopes that this benefit will […]

NEA-NH Welcomes Passage of the School Employee Death Benefit Bill

Members urge Governor to sign bill into law CONCORD, NH – May 23, 2018 – The School Employee Death Benefit bill, along with an additional $10 million for school security upgrades, passed both the House and Senate today. There was a voice vote in the Senate, and the bill passed the House 262-76. The bill is now headed to the Governor. The most recent slaughter of students and educators in Texas is further evidence of the need for this bill for the surviving families of school employees who die from violence while doing their jobs. So long as school employees […]

Protest the Betsy DeVos Visit

President Trump’s Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is coming to New Hampshire on Monday night for a New Hampshire GOP fundraiser. The Secretary’s visit comes on the heels of a desperate effort by Governor Sununu to revive SB 193, the school voucher bill which would have diverted funds from public schools to private and religious institutions. It’s the same failed policy that DeVos has pushed aggressively in her short tenure with the Department of Education. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!  It’s up to us, the people of New Hampshire, to take a visible stand to protect our schools and our children. Please […]

Dear Gov. Sununu; You Have Underestimated Us Once Again

An open letter to Governor Sununu:   Dear Governor Sununu, We are aware that SB193 supporters have tied their unconstitutional voucher bill to the bill authorizing the public-school employee death benefit, among other education related bills.  The thousands of school employees in this state, along with their families and supporters find this tactic reprehensible.  If you believed that we would be moved to offer support for a bill that robs millions from public school children across the state to save the death benefit bill, then you have grossly underestimated the lengths to which public school employees will go to protect […]

NEA-NH Links Sununu’s Failure to Endorse Educator Death Benefit Bill to Committee Vote to Kill the Bill

HB 1415 would have provided a $100,000 death benefit payment for educators killed in the line of duty. The bill mirrors a similar benefit currently provided to first responders. CONCORD, NH, April 18, 2018 – NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle blamed Governor Sununu’s failure to endorse HB1415 as the reason the Senate Finance Committee voted to kill the bill today. HB1415 would have provided a $100,000 death benefit payment for educators killed in the line of duty. The bill mirrors a similar benefit currently provided to first responders. “On behalf of the 17,000 NEA-NH members who work in public schools where […]