NEA-NH President Reacts to Latest School Shooting in Maryland

“It angers me that in the month since Parkland, no action has been taken to stop these horrible crimes.”

CONCORD, NH – March 20, 2018 – NEA-New Hampshire President Megan Tuttle issued the following statement on the events at Great Mills High School in Maryland.

“Another week, another school shooting. As I’ve stated in the past, school shootings cannot become the new normal,” said Tuttle. “It angers me that in the month since Parkland, no action has been taken to stop these horrible crimes, either at the federal or state level.”

“The time for debate has passed, the time for action is now, the time to stop these shootings is now. An open door helicopter crashed in New York killing five people and the Federal Aviation Administration moved quickly to order the suspension of doors off flights. Innocent school children and educators are being slaughtered every week and yet our Legislature continues to take no action.”

“Just last week, the Senate Education committee voted down SB 357, which would have given school boards the power to ban guns on school property. Even passing something as common sense as this legislation is apparently too much to ask this legislature.” said Tuttle. “Once again, the Governor and legislative leaders have failed to meet even the lowest of expectations.”