Become a Member

Your association membership will add your voice to those of more than 16,000 education employees from across the state and 3.2 million across our country. With a 150-year history, NEA-NH continues to be a strong voice for quality public schools.

NEA-NH promotes excellence by lobbying for full funding for all public schools and educational programs. NEA-NH protects the rights of members, monitors laws affecting public education, and champions the cause of quality public education by promoting school and teacher quality initiatives.

When education employees join the association, they provide strength and solidarity to the profession in their local communities, in New Hampshire and across the nation. Association membership will help you to be a better educator through numerous opportunities for professional growth.

Your dues also provide you with legal assistance on employment-related matters, liability protection, and support, whether you are inside or outside of your classroom.

NEA-NH offers its members a wide variety of discounts and other financial programs that will provide additional savings for your dues dollars.

Members also receive more savings and benefits through Online Access Member Discounts.

It’s the best professional decision you will make!

Top Reasons to Join NEA-NH

  • Collective bargaining and representation
  • Discounts on products and services
  • Liability insurance
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Networking
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Publications
  • Representation in NEA-NH and NEA
  • Resources
  • Scholarships

It is important for members of the education profession to belong to a professional organization. Membership will strengthen your connections, promote leadership development and community service, and help you voice your opinions in the rapidly changing field of education.

Membership FAQs

1. What is NEA-NH?
2. Who may join NEA-NH?
3. How do I join?
4. What do I get with my membership?
5. How do I pay my dues? What methods of payment are available?
6. What is DUES-TAB?
7. What is the mission of NEA-NH?
8. What services does NEA-NH provide to members?
9. How does NEA-NH assist members in their classrooms?
10. What is UniServ?
11. Where are the UniServ offices located?
12. How does NEA-NH’s member protection program work?
13. Can I just join NEA-NH and not belong to my local association/affiliate or the NEA?
14. Does my dues money go to political candidates?
15. Why are NEA-NH members involved in the political process?
16. How do I send address changes to NEA-NH?

What is NEA-NH? NEA-NH is an organization of people who care about education. Its purpose is to advocate for public school employees and the children of New Hampshire, and to promote lifelong learning.

Who may join NEA-NH? NEA-NH members are public school educators in all stages of their careers, including classroom teachers and other certified professionals, instructors at public higher education institutions, students preparing for a teaching career, education support personnel and those retired from the profession. If you are interested in NEA-NH membership, contact your building or local association representative, your area UniServ office, or the NEA-NH headquarters in Concord at 603-224-7751 or 866-556-3264.

How do I join? If there is a local NEA-NH chapter (local association) in your school district or higher education institution, you can obtain a membership form from your local association president or building representative. If there is not a local NEA-NH chapter (local association) in your school district or higher education institution, call 866-556-3264 and speak with us about direct membership.

What do I get with my membership? Membership allows you to join with the other members of your local association in advocating for quality education and for quality working conditions for school employees. Membership also entitles you to participate in NEA-NH conferences, receive personal consultation on issues such as employment, retirement, certification, etc., and receive mailings and other communications from both the NEA and NEA-NH. You will also have the protection of a $1 million liability policy, receive NEA and NEA-NH member benefits discounts, have automatic coverage through DUES-TAB insurance and much, much, more.

How do I pay my dues? What methods of payment are available? A variety of methods are available for payment of dues, including cash, personal checks, Visa, MasterCard and payroll deduction.

What is DUES-TAB? DUES-TAB is a member-only life insurance policy that provides coverage of up to $50,000. You are automatically enrolled in the program at no additional cost upon becoming a member and the amount of the policy continues to grow for each year that you hold continuous membership in the association.

What is the mission of NEA-NH? The mission of NEA-NH is to strengthen and support public education and serve members’ needs. NEA-NH provides the resources necessary to enable local affiliates to effectively advocate for members, children and public education.

What services does NEA-NH provide to members? NEA-NH provides professional development, legal assistance, advocacy, special member benefits and communications and organizational development.

How does NEA-NH assist members in their classrooms? A major focus of NEA-NH is strengthening the education profession, improving instruction and helping children learn. This is accomplished through:

  • Member rights protection
  • Bargaining assistance
  • Representation before state agencies
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Professional resources
  • Lobbying efforts
  • Legal assistance

What is UniServ? UniServ is a delivery system that provides staff assistance directly to local affiliates in the implementation of programs and representation of members. UniServ (acronym formed from Unified Service) represents an immediate and tangible benefit, which accrues to the members of NEA-New Hampshire. The NEA-NH UniServ program provides professional staff so members can receive quality association services. In addition, the communication channels through the UniServ department to other professional staff employed by NEA-NH enhance the availability of services to all members.

Where are the UniServ offices located? NEA-NH is divided into ten regions. Offices are positioned around the state to provide access and service to members. NEA-NH provides offices in Gorham for the North Country, Lebanon for the Upper Valley, Dover for the Seacoast and Eastern regions, Manchester for the Amoskeag and Souhegan regions, and Concord for the Lakes, Capital, Monadnock and Southeast regions.

How does NEA-NH’s member protection program work? NEA-NH’s legal assistance program helps members with employment-related situations. Staff is available to answer members’ questions and address their concerns. A member needing legal assistance should first call his or her UniServ director. Members also may call NEA-NH headquarters at 603-224-7751 or 866-556-3264 or contact the association through its website,

Can I just join NEA-NH and not belong to my local association/affiliate or the NEA? No. Unified membership requires members to join their local, state and national affiliates. If there is no local association in your school district, direct membership is available.

Does my dues money go to political candidates? No. Only voluntary contributions designated for APPLE Corps or NEA’s Fund for Children and Public Education are contributed to candidates who support public schools and the protection of children.

Why are NEA-NH members involved in the political process? NEA-NH members are Democrats, Republicans and Independents. Regardless of their political affiliation, NEA-NH members become involved in the political process because they care about educating and protecting children and strengthening American public education.
These are the issues that unite us and are the reason for our involvement in the political process. They are the ruler by which we measure all political hopefuls and lobby our elected leaders. Because all education decisions – from those made by the school board to those made in the State House and the White House – are political decisions, we need to ensure that our elected and appointed leaders measure up on important issues involving children and public education. NEA-NH members participate in the political process in many ways:

  • By speaking out in support of quality public schools for all our children and the rights of education employees
  • By making the case that society must make a greater financial commitment to public education
  • By using the professional knowledge and skills educators possess to teach people of all ages

How do I send address changes to NEA-NH? NEA-NH members may contact their UniServ office, or the NEA-NH headquarters, by phone at 603-224-7751 or 866-556-3264. Members can also use the Contact Update Form to notify NEA-NH of changes to their address and contact information.

NEA-NH – Your Professional Organization

With more than 16,000 members, NEA-New Hampshire is the largest and most influential organization in the state advocating for public education. The real strength of NEA-NH is its individual members who work every day educating New Hampshire’s children. They don’t always receive credit from the public for the great work they do, yet they continue to succeed every day – making education work in our state and making a difference in the lives of students.

Membership Categories*

ACTIVE PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP – This category includes classroom teachers and other professionals such as guidance counselors, school psychologists, etc. Dues are based on the percentage of employment, such as full-time or half-time, and there are dues reduction incentives for members on the first and second step of their salary schedule.

RESERVE PROFESSIONAL – Active members on leave for the school year for professional improvement or emergency, or who are laid off due to a reduction in force.

STUDENT – Student membership is open to any student enrolled in or preparing for a teacher education program in an accredited college or university.

NEA/NEA-NH-RETIRED – Any active member may join the NEA/NEA-NH-Retired for life, if they enroll for retired membership while still actively employed and an active member.

ACTIVE EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT PERSONNEL – School support staff such as paraprofessionals, tutors, secretaries, library and health aides, custodians, food service workers and bus drivers. This category has various dues levels based upon contracted annual hours.

* Membership categories are fully explained in the NEA-NH bylaws.

Membership is doing for yourself
what you cannot do by yourself.