HB 1419: Book Bans are Back!

ACTION REQUESTED: Please take the time to sign in against HB 1419. The public hearing is Thursday, January 18th at 9:30am in the House Education Committee.

HB 1419 is just one of this year’s attempts at a book ban modeled after similar bills recently introduced in other state legislatures. Like others before it, the bill contains vague language left open to interpretation and once again contains violations of the Code of Conduct. The bill sets up a process to follow that ends with the state board of education and does not truly allow local school districts to develop their own policies around reviewing potentially objectionable material.  

There are more sensible proposals to review school and library materials in the legislature this year and lawmakers should consider those rather than adopt this bill.  

To sign in to OPPOSE HB 1419: 

1. Visit this link: House of Representatives – Online Testimony Submission 

2. Enter your personal information 

3. Select the hearing date – January 18

4. Select the committee – House Education Committee

5. Choose the bill – HB 1419

6. I am – A member of the public 

7. Choose who you are representing – Myself 

8. Indicate your position on this bill 

9. Upload remote testimony (Optional) 

10. Review information and click submit