NEA-NH Calls on Governor Sununu to Swiftly Denounce State Sanctioned Bounty Hunters and Repeal Banned Concepts Law

CONCORD, NH – NOVEMBER 12, 2021 – In response to the offering of monetary bounties by political allies of Governor Sununu’s Education Commissioner in return for targeting educators over the new banned concepts law, NEA-NH is calling on Governor Sununu to denounce this vigilante tactic and urge the Legislature to repeal this disaster of a law.

Politicians like Commissioner Edelblut who pushed for this ban don’t think children deserve an honest and accurate education bear responsibility for this type of repugnant activity.

We want our kids to have an education that imparts honesty about who we are, integrity in how we treat others, and courage to do what’s right,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. “Politicians like Commissioner Edelblut are using the dog whistle strategy of distraction, division and intimidation in their efforts to dictate what teachers say and block kids from learning our shared stories of confronting injustice to build a more perfect union.”

Playing politics with our children’s future has now spiraled out of control in New Hampshire with these types of vigilante tactics and we’re calling on the Governor to immediately denounce putting a bounty on our dedicated educators,” said Tuttle.