UPDATED: NEA-NH Virtual Town Hall: The American Rescue Plan’s Impact on Your School -WATCH THE VIDEO

The recently passed American Rescue Plan contains $122 Billion in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds that may be used to address the many impacts of COVID-19 on pre-K through 12 education, including:

  • Investing in resources to implement CDC’s K-12 operational strategy for in-person learning to keep educators, staff, and students safe; improving ventilation; purchasing personal protective equipment (PPE); and obtaining additional space to ensure social distancing in classrooms.
  • Avoiding devastating layoffs and hiring additional educators to address learning loss, providing support to students and existing staff, and providing sufficient staffing to facilitate social distancing.
  • Implementing strategies to meet the social, emotional, mental health, and academic needs of students hit hardest by the pandemic, including through evidence-based interventions and critical services like community schools.
  • Funding crucial summer, afterschool, and other extended learning and enrichment programs.
  • Hiring additional school personnel, such as nurses and custodial staff, to keep schools safe and healthy.
  • Providing for social distancing and safety protocols on buses.
  • Funding for Wi-Fi hotspots and devices for students without connectivity for remote learning and supporting educators in the effective use of technology; and
  • Additional uses as allowed in the statute.

New Hampshire is set to receive $350,501,633 from that fund.

Watch the recording of the TUESDAY, MARCH 23rd virtual town hall meeting that discussed how this fund can impact your school and the best ways to ensure your district has access to the aid.