Ignoring Property Taxpayers, Senate OK’s Unaccountable School Voucher Bill

CONCORD – Today, the NH Senate voted to take funds away from our public schools and raise local property taxes to compensate for that loss in funding.

“Ignoring the voices of the thousands of taxpayers who opposed this bill, they voted to send your tax dollars to private and religious schools,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President.

The absence of real public accountability for voucher funds has contributed to rampant fraud, waste, and abuse in voucher programs across the country. “Their vote on SB130 today opens the door to that type of waste and abuse of NH property tax dollars.”

Today’s vote to support vouchers will increase New Hampshire’s education costs by requiring property taxpayers to fund two school systems, one public and one private. “Our public schools will wind up with less funding, larger class sizes and fewer nurses, counselors, lab equipment, music and athletic programs if SB130 becomes law.”

The Senate also voted to short circuit the legislative process by immediately tabling the bill, denying the House any chance to vote it down, with the hope of including the measure in the budget bill.

“Not only did they ignore the thousands who opposed the bill committee hearings, they are now shortchanging the process to jam a deeply flawed and very unpopular piece of legislation into law.”

“If we’re serious about doing what’s right for every child’s future, let’s do what works: support public schools so that every student has inviting classrooms, modern technology and textbooks, and class sizes that are small enough for one-on-one attention.”