NEA-NH Statement on Executive Council Board of Education Vote

The State Board of Education is responsible for providing leadership and oversight to our education system. This requires experience in education, whether that be prior service on a school board, in  school administration or as an educator in a classroom; a demonstrated commitment and advocacy around advancing educational policies and outcomes; or any other activity that indicates the nominee has the experience and expertise to best serve our state’s children, the vast majority of whom attend public schools.

NEA-NH routinely opposes nominations that do not demonstrate a background in public education or the expertise to guide the 167 school districts in our state. For these same reasons, we opposed the nomination of Frank Edelblut for Education Commissioner.

Especially now, as the State Board takes up major issues, and the COVID-19 public health crisis challenges our schools, we need to ensure that State Board members are prepared to both lead and serve as a backstop in the best interest of our children.

Yesterday’s decision was the correct one. We encourage Governor Sununu to nominate individuals who have the background in education to best serve our children AND who can increase the diversity of our state board of education. It is wrong to suggest that we have to choose one over the other.