Commissioner Edelblut Just Does Not Get It.

There are so many important issues that need addressing in our schools right now, but our Commissioner keeps fighting the “Learn Everywhere” battle over and over and over.

Racial inequalities, food insecurity, and the health and safety of our students and staff during any reopening of schools should be his focus right now,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President.  “Instead, he continues to push his program to bully school districts into accepting graduation credits from unqualified sources.” 

At a time when more than 2 million Americans have contracted COVID-19 and more than 114,000 have died from the disease, instead of trying to speed the release of relief funds sent to New Hampshire public schools, his priority is how to funnel that funding to private school students. 

At no point during his term have we witnessed this Commissioner doing anything constructive to advance the issues that matter most to public school students and their futures.

It is shocking that with so many vital issues to address, Commissioner Edelblut continues to lobby for his pet project.