Coronavirus Impact on NEA-NH Events UPDATED

All NEA-NH events that require significant numbers of members to interact face-to-face are being examined to determine if they should be postponed, canceled, or moved to an online platform.

  • The NEA-NH Delegate Assembly scheduled for March 13 has been postponed and will be rescheduled.
  • NEA-NH Youth Suicide Prevention Conference scheduled for March 28 will be moved to an abbreviated online format on the same date. Registered participants will be notified via email of the updates and changes.
  • NEA-NH ESP Conference scheduled for April 4 has been postponed and will be rescheduled.
  • NEA-NH Retirement Seminars scheduled for 3/18, 3/25 and 3/31 have been canceled. Registered attendees will receive an email with details and links to resources. Additional Seminars will be scheduled in the Fall.
  • NEA-NH Membership Trainings are being restructured to be held online on the same dates and times as already scheduled. Additional details will be posted on the NEA-NH website and published in upcoming Insider issues.
  • NEA-NH Regional Council Meeting formats and dates will be determined by Regional Council leadership. NEA-NH is working closely with Regional leaders to assist them in efforts to move their meetings online if they desire. Refer to the Events Calendar on the NEA-NH website for details.