NEA-NH Applauds Fiscal Committee Vote to Reject Charter Grant

NEA-New Hampshire applauds the vote of the fiscal committee this morning to reject the $46 million grant Education Commissioner Edelblut planned to use to double the number of charter schools in New Hampshire.

“Cashing Betsy DeVos’ $46 million check obligated New Hampshire taxpayers to coming up with new long term funding for years to come, jeopardizing our neighborhood public schools,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “We support efforts to increase charter accountability and slow the diversion of resources from neighborhood public schools to charters.”

“The first five years for a new charter school are the most tenuous because of the financial instability. There is no guarantee that if the number of charter schools are doubled, the doors of those schools will remain open.  Taking a gamble on the future of our children is something we can never support.”

 “We thank the members of the fiscal committee for supporting quality public education in New Hampshire.”