Saugus School Shooting Cannot Be Just Another School Day in America

There was a shooting at another high school in America today. Our schools should be the safest place a child can be. Unfortunately, that seems far from reality.

“We do not need to debate one day longer on why mass killings take place in America. We’ve seen far too many people killed in schools, in houses of worship, in malls, at movie theaters and stores. We know killers commit these violent acts because they have far too easy access to lethal weapons,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President.

“New Hampshire has been fortunate to have been spared the agony of identifying educators and student victims and notifying their families that their loved ones will not be coming home.”  

“Earlier this year, Governor Chris Sununu vetoed three bills which would have made our schools safer.  We don’t have to wonder who has the ear of our governor. We do have to wonder why, tragedy after tragedy, he is still listening to them.” 

“We can all agree that schools should be safe havens for our children.  Guns have no place in school zones, period. Those who continue to argue against common sense gun violence prevention measures have shown us where their true priorities lie – and they are not with the school children of New Hampshire.”

“A child’s school day now includes active shooter training with lessons on how to apply tourniquets and other first aid techniques that used to be reserved for battlefield medics.”

“We need solutions that will keep guns out of the hands of those who want to use them to massacre innocent children and educators. The failure to enact rational laws to prevent mass shootings is inexcusable. The time to act is now.  Every child deserves to learn in a school that is safe. Students, parents and educators should not have to live in fear of being the next victim. “