McAuliffe Sabbatical Seeking Applicants With Great Ideas

Do you know a teacher with a great idea about education? If so, please consider recommending the Christa McAuliffe Sabbatical program to them.

Each year the sabbatical, administered by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, awards a year-long leave of absence to an exceptional New Hampshire public school teacher. The sabbatical provides the teacher with the time, space and funding to explore, through a self-designed project, new ideas and ways to enhance classroom teaching.

This is a unique opportunity for a full-time classroom teacher and their school to gain statewide recognition for innovative approaches to classroom instruction. The Christa McAuliffe Sabbatical provides funding directly to the school district to release a teacher for one academic year. School districts are reimbursed for total salary plus FICA, and the teacher is reimbursed directly for up to $12,000 of project-related expenses.

“New Hampshire teachers have created an incredible array of projects and curricula through this sabbatical that have touched the lives of thousands of students,” said Richard Ober, president and CEO of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation. “Their work becomes part of Christa McAuliffe’s enduring legacy for the state.”

Visit our website to learn more about the program requirements. The online application will open Friday, January 10, 2020.