Yearly Archives: 2024

PRESS RELEASE: Sununu Signs HB 1205, Blocks Access to School Sports for Students

CONCORD, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu signed HB 1205, which bans transgender girls from playing on girls’ sports teams in grades 5-12 and requires all girls to show a birth certificate – or “other evidence” – to be eligible to play. This law is effective 30-days after signature, so it will be in effect for the 2024-25 school year.  Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-New Hampshire, provided the following statement in response: “Public schools should be safe, welcoming environments for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Shame on Governor Sununu for signing into law this legislation that […]

PRESS RELEASE: Sununu Signs HB 1312, Dramatically Expands Curriculum Notice Requirement 

CONCORD, NH – Today, Governor Chris Sununu signed HB 1312, which dramatically – and vaguely – expands New Hampshire’s current 2-week notice requirement for “objectionable materials” to include any curriculum related to sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression. This law contains vague language as to how an educator may respond to a student who shares a concern with them at school and creates yet another unworkable standard that leaves educators wondering what course material could apply to the notice requirements that traditionally had been focused on sex education and health classes.   Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-New Hampshire, provided […]

June 15, 2024: NEA-NH Legislative Update

2024 Legislative Session Ends with the Defeat of Final Voucher Expansion Bill On the final day of the 2024 legislative session, the New Hampshire House defeated HB 1665 by a vote of 168 -185. This legislation would have expanded the unaccountable private school voucher scheme by lifting the eligibility threshold to enter the program from 350% to 425% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). This was a compromise between the Senate position of expansion to 400% of FPL and the House position of expansion to 500% of FPL. As negotiated, the compromise version of this bill would have more than […]

A white sign held in front of the Legislative Office Building reads: Support Our Public Schools"

NH House Rejects Bill to Expand School Vouchers, Public Education Advocates Praise Vote

Educators, Parents, Public School Advocates Celebrate Defeat of Bill to Expand School Vouchers from 350% to 425% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines CONCORD, NH – Today, the New Hampshire House voted against the Committee of Conference report on HB 1665-FN, the school voucher expansion bill, by a margin of 185-168, which defeated the bill. School voucher expansion is now dead for the legislative session. HB 1665 would have expanded eligibility for the state’s unaccountable school voucher program from 350% to 425% of the federal poverty level. Lawmakers had previously increased the eligibility, from the original 300%. Public education advocates celebrated the vote […]

Derry Educators Utilize Scott McGilvray Children’s Fund to Break Down Barriers to Student Learning

For 25 years, Alicia Triplett has worked in the Derry School District to support families and kids so they can come to school and take advantage of their education. As a Home/School Coordinator, she knows sometimes there are barriers in the way – and it’s her job to help break those down.  At any given time, Triplett has 100 cases open from kindergarten to eighth grade in the four Derry schools she serves. Triplett says there are many community organizations that work to support students, but not every need can be met. In the recent past, her colleague, Lee Holder, […]

Bedford Educational Personnel Association Uses Personal Connection to Push Toward Goal to Double Membership

“We’re not alone in our struggles and our successes.” That’s the message Suzanne Johnson is bringing to colleagues in her new position as President of Bedford Educational Personnel Association (BEPA). She knows there is strength in numbers, which is why she and her new board leadership team set an ambitious goal of doubling membership by the next negotiation. One year in, they have already increased membership by 67%. “The fact that we’ve made such leaps and bounds this first year is just setting the ball rolling for future years,” Johnson said. Johnson, who has worked in the District for six […]