New Hampshire House of Representatives Stands Up for Educators, Rejects Subpoena Power for Education Commissioner

CONCORD, NH – Yesterday, HB 1353 remained on the table at the conclusion of the House Session. Having not passed by the deadline for acting on House bills not in a second committee, the bill would now require 2/3 vote to pass – which means it has effectively been defeated. This bill sought to give the New Hampshire Education Commissioner subpoena power in certain educator code of conduct cases and open more avenues for educator intimidation and abuse of power.  

Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-New Hampshire, provided the following statement after the vote: 

“HB 1353 sought to concentrate too much power in one position and the education community is grateful the House of Representatives refused to give the Education Commissioner subpoena power in educator code of conduct cases. For the second time, lawmakers saw this effort for what it really is – permission for Frank Edelblut to go on fishing expeditions based on his political agenda. NEA-New Hampshire will never back down when it comes to defending educators’ due process rights.  


About NEA-New Hampshire NEA-New Hampshire is the largest union of public employees in the state. Founded in 1854, the New Hampshire State Teachers Association became one of the “founding ten” state education associations that formed the National Education Association in 1857. Known today as NEA-NH, and comprised of more than 17,000 members, our mission to advocate for the children of New Hampshire and public-school employees, and to promote lifelong learning, remains true after more than 165 years. Our members are public school employees in all stages of their careers, including classroom teachers and other certified professionals, staff and instructors at public higher education institutions, students preparing for a teaching career, education support personnel and those retired from the profession.