OPPOSE HB 1206: New Version of “Teacher Loyalty Bill” – Now “Educator Indoctrination”

ACTION REQUESTED: Please sign in and/or submit written testimony to OPPOSE this bill being heard on Monday, January 8 at 2:30 pm in the House Education Committee.

HB 1206 is a revamped version of a rejected bill two years ago called the “teacher loyalty” bill. It has a similar goal and approach to the banned concepts law: chill the delivery of an honest and accurate education by frightening educators with a vague law and harsh punishment.  

HB 1206 states that “educators shall not present unproved theories as fact” and “an educator shall not push or assert, advocate for, or compel students to express belief in support for, any particular theory or ideology.” Where does this leave an educator when discussing all kinds of scientific, sociological, or historical theories or ideas in class? What is the standard of an “unproved theory”? How does a law like this play out in the form of debate or classroom discussion?  

Without clear definition we are left wondering how different people can interpret where the line exists between instruction, discussion, and advocacy. We know this is part of a vague design built into these types of laws to chill class discussion without expressly stating it in the wording of the legislation.  

Finally, this bill establishes a violation of the educator code of conduct for running afoul of this bill, which can result in the revocation of an educator license.  

Please click here to urge the House Education Committee to reject legislation that threatens educator careers for political gain and find HB 1206 Inexpedient to Legislate! Follow these steps: 

  1. Enter your personal information
  2. Select the hearing date – January 8
  3. Select the committee – House Education
  4. Choose the bill – HB 1206
  5. I am – A member of the public
  6. Choose who you are representing – Myself
  7. Indicate your position on this bill – OPPOSE
  8. Upload remote testimony (Optional)
  9. Review information and click submit