Yearly Archives: 2022

NEA-NH President: HB1131 Works Against Public Safety

NEA-New Hampshire President Megan Tuttle offered testimony on opposition to HB 1131, a bill that takes away a key mitigation tool against and airborne pathogen that a school district has to keep students and staff safe and in-person and mandates that any violation would be considered a violation of the educator code of conduct – potentially making New Hampshire educators choose between their job and their license. Her testimony appears below: Chairman Bradley and Honorable members of the Senate Health and Humans Services Committee, My name is Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-NH, and I have the honor of representing more […]

NEA-NH Mourns Loss of Rep. Renny Cushing

NEA-NH is deeply saddened by the passing of long-time champion for education, educators, and working families, Renny Cushing. “We grieve the loss of our dear friend and most ardent supporter, Renny Cushing,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “Renny’s dedication to the promise of public education and to all those who learn and work in our schools made New Hampshire a better place. His fighting spirit and steadfast commitment to ensuring each of us could achieve the success story inside us will truly be missed.”

NEA-NH Opposes Extreme Anti-Masking Bill HB 1131

HB1131 seeks to prohibits school boards and accredited nonpublic schools from adopting, enforcing, or implementing a policy that requires students or members of the public to wear a facial covering. The bill also enables any person who claims to be aggrieved by this proposed law to be able to initiate a civil action against a school, the district, or the local school board as well as other litigation adds a violation of the law by a certified educator to the growing list of proposed violations of the code of conduct. and will make our schools less safe. HB 1131 is […]

NEA-NH: We must hold every school to the same standard, whether public or private.

NEA-New Hampshire President, Megan Tuttle, offered testimony today in favor of swift passage of HB 1607, a bill that would ensure “that there shall be no unlawful discrimination in any public school, private school, approved school tuition program, or educational service that receives public funds.” Here is the text of her testimony: Chairman Ladd and Honorable members of the House Education Committee, My name is Megan Tuttle, I am the President of NEA-NH and I represent more than 17,000 New Hampshire educators. For more than 168 years it has been our mission to advocate for the children and public-school employees […]

NEA-NH Testimony on HB 1255: Teacher ‘Loyalty’ Bill

Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President, provided testimony in opposition of HB 1255 on January 20, 2022. Here is the transcript of her submitted remarks: Dear Chairman Ladd and honorable members of the House Education Committee, My name is Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-NH, where we represent over 17,000 public school educators across our state. I am here on behalf of NEA-NH to strongly object to the passage of HB 1255, which we see as a doubling down on the banned concepts law enacted in HB 2, a law already subject to 2 federal lawsuits because of the chilling effect it has […]

NEA-NH Testimony on HB 1015

Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President, provided testimony in opposition of HB 1015 on January 20, 2022. Here is the transcript of her submitted remarks: Good morning. My name is Megan Tuttle and I represent more than 17,000 professional educators in the state as President of NEA-New Hampshire. After reading HB 1015, and other bills put forward this session regarding public education, I am left wondering “Who would want to be a teacher right now? Have you seen how professional educators are being treated?” I’ll not spend time today trying to understand the motivation behind this bill, but I will call your […]