Yearly Archives: 2022

New Hampshire School Districts Need to Get Creative to Attract Educators

By Jacob Goodwin There is no doubt that we are experiencing an educator shortage in the State of New Hampshire. We cannot afford to lose teachers who are dedicated to both their profession and their family. Let’s consider three advocacy ideas that your local could bring to the negotiation table this fall that could help our members.One reason why we’re losing quality teachers is the cost of child care. Districts with a downward trend in enrollment should allow teachers the choice of enrolling their child in the school in which they work. This can be a major time saver for […]

NEA-NH Releases 2022 Contested Primary Recommendations

This year may be the most consequential election in our history. It starts next week with the New Hampshire primaries on Tuesday, September 13. NEA-New Hampshire’s Government Relations Committee and Executive Board have recommended 51 candidates in this year’s contested primaries. The complete list appears below.  This year’s list includes 38 Democrats and 13 Republicans. “We need elected officials who will work together to ensure our educators are fairly compensated, our schools are fully funded, and every child receives a fair and equitable education,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. “These elected officials start their journey as candidates who are […]

Sitting Down With NEA-NH’s Recommended Candidate Councilor Warmington

NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle discusses the important role NH’s Executive Council plays in safeguarding public education and the importance of Voting Your Future this primary and in the general election with District 2 Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington. NEA-NH has recommended Councilor Warmington to its members who live in EC District 2 for the primary being held September 13, 2022. Councilor Warmington’s website can be found here:

NEA-NH Recommends Fenton for Senate District 10   

CONCORD, NH – AUGUST 30, 2022- Today, NEA-New Hampshire, the state’s largest association of public-school educators, announced their support for Donovan Fenton in the Senate District 10 Democratic Primary. “In his three terms in the NH House, Donovan has consistently been a vocal advocate for New Hampshire’s educators and for a strong public education earning our recommendation in the State Senate Primary,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. “We need elected officials who will work together to ensure our educators are fairly compensated, our schools are fully funded, and every child receives a fair and equitable education. Donovan has proven […]

NEA-NH Recommends Education Champion Warmington for Executive Council District 2   

CONCORD, NH – AUGUST 29, 2022- Today, NEA-New Hampshire, the state’s largest association of public school educators, announced their support for Cinde Warmington in the Executive Council District 2 primary. During her time on the Executive Council, Cinde Warmington has listened to and respected educators. “We need Cinde on the Executive Council to continue the fight to protect and increase funding for public schools and make sure our students have the tools they need to succeed,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. “Cinde has been the only Executive Councilor over the past 2 years willing to hold Frank Edelblut accountable, […]

NEA-NH Recommends Sherman to Their 17,000 Members

Concord, NH – August 2, 2022 – NEA-NH announced their recommendation of Dr. Tom Sherman for Governor today during their annual Summer Leadership Week event. “Now more than ever, New Hampshire needs a Governor who will fight for students and educators. A leader who will support policies that ensure each child, regardless of who they are, has a chance to get a high-quality public education. NEA-NH believes that person is Dr. Tom Sherman,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. “As governor, Tom Sherman will listen to the voices of educators, not attack them, and support a robust public education that […]