Monthly Archives: November 2022

Are Your Ready to Lead? NEA-NH Filing Period Now Open

Filing Deadline is January 17, 2023 It’s no secret that public education in New Hampshire is under relentless attack. Are you ready to help lead the organization that is the biggest and loudest advocate for our schools, our students, and our members? NEA-NH is led and run by its members. Our Executive Board is made up of members who are elected by members in their region. NEA-NH policies and budgets are proposed, amended, and adopted by our members. Founded in 1854, the New Hampshire State Teachers Association became one of the “founding ten” state education associations that formed the National Education […]

Happy Education Support Professionals Day

Today we celebrate Education Support Professionals Day. Dear Members, ESPs hold a special place in the hearts of everyone in our school communities. If you ask any student about their day, they will likely have a story to share about the bus driver who gets them to and from school safely, the secretary who greets them every morning with a smile, the cafeteria worker who feeds them healthy meals at lunch, or the paraeducator who provides them with the space to learn and grow every day. These ESPs, and many more, work alongside other caring adults to help our students […]

To All Our Members, Happy American Education Week

Dear NEA-NH Members, Last year, at the start of American Education Week (AEW), I said that ‘unrelenting’ was the word that best described the situation we found ourselves in as New Hampshire public school educators. The angry pressure applied on our local elected officials by vocal and misinformed segments of our society, their continuous attacks on public education and those who provide it, and the bounty they placed on New Hampshire educators – were all unrelenting. I reminded you that one thing I knew for certain was to never, ever underestimate a New Hampshire educator. We’re fierce, resourceful, and always […]