Daily Archives: October 28, 2022

Volunteer This Weekend to Help the Record Number of NEA-NH Current and Former Members Running For Office

There are 26 current and former NEA-NH members running for office this November, and they need your help. Educators deserve a place at the table when decisions are being made that impact public education. The experience educators have gained while working with students gives them a unique perspective when it comes to making education policy and setting budget priorities for their communities. Having members, and those who believe in the power of public education, in office means we are better able to advocate for our students and our profession.  You can help get them elected by volunteering this weekend to participate in […]

Stay Informed: With Little to No Public Input, Group Planning on Bringing Drastic Changes to NH Classrooms

For the past two years, with little public input, a group has been working on revisions to the rules that ensure every NH student receives a high-quality public education. NEA-NH and Reaching Higher NH hosted a special briefing webinar to update Members on the drastic changes this group is planning on bringing to districts and classrooms across the Granite State. For more information, we’ve provided the following links and resources: Reaching Higher New Hampshire Content including their analysis, a downloadable copy of the rules, as well as other pertinent information. Reaching Higher New Hampshire Registration Link. By registering for the […]